Chat Chouquette / Vincent Bonnefille (FR), Photo: Vincent Bonnefille

Chat Chouquette

Vincent Bonnefille (FR)


The idea is to create a thematic mashup based on various sources of inspiration. The resulting iconography is designed to immerse the viewer in a world of visual representation, losing focus, confusing purposes. Not exhaustive, this portrait tends to gather and collect content around specific hotspots. There’s also a desire to confront expurgated imaginaries, to go head-to-head with them.

How it works:

– A computer connected to the internet receives images from a server (local or remote).

– These images are animated together via a web page (full screen).

– This rapid animation of the images produces a continuity between them: a flipbook.

– New images are added to the image bank: locally with a pre-established dataset /or/ remotely with the addition of images retrieved via the internet using a scraper.

– A local app (GUI) for moderation is possible.

– The video stream is projected onto a wide screen.

Vincent Bonnefille (FR)

Vincent Bonnefille (he.they.them) is a doctoral student at Université Paris 8 in the TEAMeD laboratory, and a professor at ArTeC. He is interested in the secret-sharing protocols essential to anarcho-capitalist strategies. In these shadowy zones, the source, cut off from its origin, becomes anonymous and ungovernable. Tales of horror about these deep, offshore networks test our disbelief.