Childhood Revisited / Wen-Chieh Chang (TW), Photo: Wen-Chieh Chang

Childhood Revisited

Wen-Chieh Chang (TW)

There is a darkroom flashing with dim red lights. A person carefully puts the negatives into the cassette with both hands, focusing on the paper below with a magnifier moving up and down in flaring lights. An image emerges on the paper. The sound of splashing water and laughter brings the person back to the 1940s via this photo to look at the big world through the lens of childhood. A person returns to childhood with dreams and imagination and enters a timeline where the restraints of time and space do not exist.

Wen-Chieh Chang (TW)

Wen-Chieh Chang is a cross-disciplinary artist who integrates video-graphic creativity, interactive technologies and new media arts. His innovative works, such as The Universe of Liu Kuo-Sun, Kuo Hsueh-Hu Home Gazing, Childhood Revisited, and Wonder of Life, reflect deeply on traditional culture and deconstruct it with new media art.