Roots, relationships between the computational and the human / Mariano Luque Romero (ES), Miguel Mendoza Malpartida (ES), Cecilia Pineda Calvillo (ES), Esther Rodríguez Pluma (ES), José María Delgado Sánchez (ES), Pedro Escobar Rubio (ES)

Roots, relationships between the computational and the human

Mariano Luque Romero (ES), Miguel Mendoza Malpartida (ES), Cecilia Pineda Calvillo (ES), Esther Rodríguez Pluma (ES), José María Delgado Sánchez (ES), Pedro Escobar Rubio (ES)

The combination of cellular automata, mathematical algorithms, and human creativity creates a multi-sensory experience, blurring the line between human behavior and algorithms, and raising questions about ownership of the process. The artists shape their algorithm, but viewers contribute to the emergent outcome. Ownership becomes shared among all of them. Their interconnectedness makes it evolve, emerging new dynamic meanings, highlighting the shared ownership and co-creation of the artwork.

Mariano Luque Romero (ES), Miguel Mendoza Malpartida (ES), Cecilia Pineda Calvillo (ES), Esther Rodríguez Pluma (ES), José María Delgado Sánchez (ES), Pedro Escobar Rubio (ES)

The team is composed of four graduates and masters in fine arts from the University of Seville:

  • Miguel Mendoza
  • Cecilia Pineda
  • Esther Rodríguez
  • Mariano Luque

And two graduates in computer science engineering from the University of Seville:

  • José María Delgado – Software Engineer
  • Pedro Escobar – IT Engineer