Reconstructing pieces of popular art.
The project Imagining Loss is an interdisciplinary attempt to reconstruct, using Artificial Intelligence tools, part of the Chilean popular art heritage lost during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. We work with pieces from the Museo de Arte Popular Americano collection that were stolen, lost, ruined or destroyed during that traumatic period and that today exist only as data or records that do not fully account for that valuable memory that was taken away.
Jaime San Martín Amador (CL), Emilia Pinto Labbé (CL), Iván Sipirán (PE)
This project is a collective effort coordinated by visual artists Jaime San Martín and Emilia Pinto, with computer engineer Iván Sipirán, that seek sensitive ways to give an outlet to contemporary reflections on technology, heritage and popular arts.