ON/CONTACT / Marie-Ève Morissette (CA), Photo: vog.photo


Marie-Eve Morissette (CA)

ON/CONTACT is an interactive installation in the form of a haptic column that the interactor squeezes against their body. It is based on an interaction paradigm that puts the concept of encountering above that of controlling. The tactile exploration of the column invites self-expression while eliciting a sense of comfort. Its sonic and vibrotactile landscape becomes an object onto which the interactor can interpret and project their own subjectivity.

Marie-Eve Morissette

Artist and designer Marie-Eve Morissette investigates the ways we conceive the world through technology and somesthetic experiences. Her work explores space, object, materiality, haptics and sound, their common thread being interaction. Morissette is a Hexagram Network Masters’ student member—École NAD, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.