Sacred Silence / Basma Hamdy, Shima Aeinehdar, Selma Fejzullaj , Photo: Raviv Cohen

Sacred Silence

Basma Hamdy (EG), Shima Aeinehdar (IR), Selma Fejzullaj (AL)

Sacred Silence explores the Arabic letter nun (ن). It is the 14th letter of the Arabic alphabet, marking the midpoint of 28 letters. In its isolated form it opens Surat-al-Qalam in the Quran making it a deeply spiritual letter in Islam. It is reversible in spelling and symmetrical in shape. The concepts of reflection and reversibility are explored to signify the dance between internal spirituality and external stillness, a journey from recognizing our existence through to contemplative silence.

Basma Hamdy (EG), Shima Aeinehdar (IR), Selma Fejzullaj (AL)

Type Araby is dedicated to the creation, study, promotion and preservation of Arabic typography and type design. It cultivates a contemporary vision for Arabic type while maintaining and promoting its traditional calligraphic roots as an important mechanism for language sustainability. It is run by Basma Hamdy, Shima Aeinehdar and Selma Fejzullaj