Marilies Luger (AT)

    Where you break an egg, you break a bone—in the specific case of the knitting industry, this means yarn waste and faulty knitted fabrics. This waste is incredibly diverse in color, composition and structure and comes to light especially at the end of the working day when the production hall is cleaned.

  • Staring constantly, something constantly stares at me

    Staring constantly, something constantly stares at me

    Alberti Toni (DE)

    I use horror as a matrix of a world behind the world, walls of cardboard, in the flickering light of fluorescent lamps and exit signs in doorless buildings; a matrix in which fashion dreams us as people who do not exist; as bodies that cannot leave this media space and we stare at these images…

  • Textile-ID


    Mira Haberfellner (AT)

    The development of knit patterns with digitally readable codes enables garments and designers to communicate with wearers. Through this combination of fashion and technology, the garment itself becomes a medium that interacts with consumers, allowing them to connect more deeply with fashion and the stories behind it.

  • D o i t y o u r s e l f- B r a i n C o m p u t e r I n t e r f a c e (D I Y—B C I)

    D o i t y o u r s e l f- B r a i n C o m p u t e r I n t e r f a c e (D I Y—B C I)

    Seann Jawell (NL)

    Combining traditional skills, tech, and mindfulness, I introduce a unique approach by merging EEG and self-therapy. DIY–BCI offers a custom cap for ADHD and anxiety, providing hands-on kits and mental health discussions.