University of Arts Linz (AT)

Post-humanist design enables a world in which humans and non-humans (things) take center stage. It criticizes the exploitation of non-human species and materials. But what role do digital technologies play in this interaction? How will we communicate with our digital and intelligent things in the future? This design fiction show imagines future things and our options for action. We present different scenarios with intelligent objects that provide a glimpse into everyday situations in our near-future life: spiritual technologies provide mind changing personal experiences with immersive jewelry, AI psychotherapy sessions invite to talk to intelligent machines with pushback, narrative space archives for media activists tell stories of freedom and resistance and sensorium kits offer a mutual understanding with plants for a more symbiotic relationship and cohabitation.

Concept and exhibition development: Barbara von Rechbach, Marianne Lechner

  • Artificial Therapy

    Artificial Therapy

    Leoni Demand (DE)

    Experience the future of talk therapy: tailored to your needs, available 24/7, practically infallible, right? Step into an intimate room and become part of somebody else’s therapy session.

  • How are you, my digital friend?

    How are you, my digital friend?

    Marianne Lechner (AT)

    Imagine it is 2040, and we live together in a collaborative network of diverse digital entities. This scenario proposes diverse entities as part of our social life—they are embodied, social and emotional.

  • many-headed (…)

    many-headed (…)

    Nadja Reifer (CH), Tina Frank (AT)

    The installation many-headed (…) attempts to make tangible the interconnectedness of multi-headed organisms in order to enable a recollection of the interconnectedness with entities.

  • Sensorium Kit

    Sensorium Kit

    Sophie Morelli (IT)

    The Sensorium Kit project seeks to enhance the connection between humans and plants by way of shared sensorial experiences. Users can engage through an interactive website to get a glimpse of the future kit’s potential.

  • The Omnia Project

    The Omnia Project

    Laia Bonias Garriogos (ES)

    In an extremely individualistic future society, religion and spirituality find new relevance in daily practices and rituals. High-tech enterprises have entered this realm and offer sacred spaces where machines fuse with the human spirit.



    Bashir Bastan (IR), Masoud Simaei (IR)

    ZUNITY is an immersive audio/video installation by Bashir Bastan that puts the audience in the flow of a modern revolution and addresses us with simple psychological questions from conflicts between the individual and society.