You and I, You and Me / Mindaugas Gapševičius (LT/DE), Maria Safronova Wahlström (SE), Photo: Gvidas Bindokas

You and I, You and Me

Mindaugas Gapševičius (LT/DE), Maria Safronova Wahlström (SE)

The video tutorial invites one to explore the possibilities of communication through electricity. The project proposes that electricity could help to reveal the imperceptible connections between different actors within the environment. How far could electricity help in understanding the other? Is it possible to alter human senses through electric impulses

Mindaugas Gapševičius (LT/DE)

Mindaugas Gapševičius explores the impact of non-human actors on human creativity and the impact of humans on their surroundings.

Maria Safronova Wahlström (SE)

Maria Safronova Wahlström is interested in social myths; she works with themes such as collective behavior and linguistic practices that signal our social belonging.