Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, Austria, September 6 – 10, 2023
Look forward to spectacular catacombs, a gloomy bunker, gigantic slide halls! For five days, we’ll be waking POSTCITY from its slumber and transforming it into an exciting, vibrant laboratory of the future for the whole family!

Create Your World Festival – Truth or Dare
The truth is: We have to do something. Now. And that is at the same time our duty (if we dare). The create your world festival invites to think together about new ideas and actions and will again invite educators, youth, and enthusiastic creators to forge fresh ideas and spark inspirations that will shape our future. Among the exhibition’s highlights are contributions from the young minds themselves, ranging from self-constructed robots to animated games, captivating films, and handicraft masterpieces.
CoderDojo Linz (AT)
CoderDojo Linz is a free, volunteer-run club for children and young people aged 8 to 17 who want to delve deeper into the world of technology. Supported by a team of mentors who are themselves involved in programming, children and young people can program their first computer games or even try their hand at creating…
PlayOn! – New Storytelling with Immersive Technologies, Landestheater Linz (AT)
FUTURE ECHOES is an immersive theatre walk that takes the audience on a journey through a futuristic city. It will explore the concept of how our present actions and decisions can echo into the future. It is a theatre event that aims to think artistically with young people about the link between the use of…
Open Commons Linz (AT), Ars Electronica create your world (AT)
The Hebocon is back! Build and design your own low-tech robots and send them into the arena. It is not primarily about strength or speed, but rather about the most creative creations, the most unusual movement style and the funniest motto.
Körper als Medium – Body as a Medium
Miriam Kandera (AT), Ida Kieslinger (AT), Helena Vancura (AT)
The diploma project Body as Medium is a creative book that aims to explain the phenomenon of the human body as an art medium with the help of “labanotation”, a kind of movement script and dancers. In “create your world 2023”, the three graduates of the Graphische in Wien transform their final thesis into an…
Laboratory of Confidence
Open Commons Linz (AT), IKT Linz GmbH (AT), Stadtbibliothek Linz (AT)
Do you want to develop your talents and skills in the field of technology and media and shape your projects for a better future? Then the Laboratory of Confidence is the right place for you. With us, you can turn creative and put your ideas into practice. It does not matter if you already have…
Magic AI Workshop
CoderDojo Linz (AT), Dynatrace (AT)
In the lounge of Dynatrace and CoderDojo we invite children from 7 years on together with their accompanying persons to dive into the exciting world of artificial intelligence (AI).
Marble Maze
Fox-Assembly (DE), Tobias Fox (DE)
Bei der interaktiven Installation Marble Maze handelt es sich um ein unterhaltsames und rasantes Spiel, welches gemeinsam an einer großen Videowall mit montierten Game Controllern gespielt wird. Dadurch trifft digitaler Inhalt auf analoge Technik und lädt auf eine eigene Weise zum Experimentieren ein.
Space Messengers
Agnes Chavez (US), STEMArts Lab (US), OMAI (AT), Space Messengers Collective
Space Messengers is a participatory mixed reality installation that visualizes thought-provoking reflections on the universe, encouraging participants to contemplate their role within it. Space Messengers evolved from an interdisciplinary and international collaboration among artists, scientists, interdisciplinary experts and youth ambassadors.
missimo: Deine Mission Morgen!
missimo offers a playful hands-on learning experience on STEAM, delivered to schools in rural Austria via a two-storey truck. During the festival, it is open to the public on the main square!
Visit the Local Farmer’s Market on Saturday!
Good food and refreshing drinks are a priority for you – and for us. At POSTCITY, local grocers, farmers, bakers and caterers will take care of your physical well-being!
Klasse! Lernen.
Do you agree that the contemporary education system should teach young people how to actively navigate and organize their lives in a digitized world? The education award “Klasse! Lernen. Wir sind digital.” looks for initiatives who are creating, testing, and implementing suitable ways to achieve this aim. Check out the award exhibition at POSTCITY!
Film project: Reading Night
Bischöfliches Gymnasium Paulinum, Schwaz
From its genesis of many small, amateurish short films created during the COVID-19 pandemic, the idea for a larger film project developed as early as the 2021/2022 school year. Within the framework of various subjects and our unique school model, a film from the horror genre titled Reading Night was created.
Soap Workshop 4.0
GRG13 Wenzgasse, Wien
The starting point for our project Soap Workshop 4.0 was taking a closer look at the topic of sustainability. One of the objectives was to consider packaging material not as waste, but as a raw material that is recyclable.
We are under pressure
Elementary school August Thielmann, Telfs
Tackling the topic of electricity, the children built their own power plant made of LEGO, which was programmed and brought to life with the help of SmartHubs and tablets. The result was a reservoir, a run-of-river hydroelectric power plant and several wind turbines.
Explore the Ars Electronica Center!
Embark on a family adventure at the museum of the future. Watch Artificial Intelligence think or compose music and immerse yourself in the wonders of Deep Space 8K – inviting you to explore the ever-expanding universe and the depths of the ocean, or to plunge into games that respond to your every move, transforming your surroundings into an arena of exploration.