It happened in three very special places: Of course in the POSTCITY festival centre, in the OK in the Upper Austrian cultural quarter and in the St. Florian monastery. There was something for every taste – no matter if the interest is refugees, handwritten spam mails or the brain as an interface. Of course the Headquarter for cool employment of young people was again in the focus and the activity was just bubbling over. These impressions show what was to be experienced.

The ZusammenHelfen-Conference in the POSTCITY is an event for joint help for refugees in Upper Austria. The retreat on the topic “Day of Encouragement” looks positively into the future full of energy. Patrons are Michael Ostrowski and Integration Councillor Rudi Anschober.

At BR41N.IO Hackathon the clever minds were put together to quickly and efficiently develop prototypes – in this case for brain interaction. Sounds futuristic? That’s what it’s all about!

The Hackathon format brings together clever minds from different disciplines to think unusual ideas and create prototypes. The status at the end of the given time is presented.

The area of Create your World in the POSTCITY is already huge and still much too small for the rush on Saturday. There is so much to discover…

There was screwing, laughing, testing, inventing, discovering. The question of how the future should be shaped and how this can be achieved was posed to big and small people and they all found great answers.

FM4 was with the Spielekammerl again involved.

We tear ourselves away from the extraordinary universe of Create your World and switch to the OÖ Kulturquartier for talks about the Prix Ars Electronica – a very special competition to which great, creative, extraordinary people submit.

At the Prix Forums in the OK in the OÖ Kulturquartier one could listen to these people in conversation, ask them questions and gain insight into their work.

The Bio Bauernmarkt, a Lucullan fulfillment. In addition to trying it out, you should also give some thought to how technology can be used for a sustainable way of life. What are the agricultural concepts of the future?

Who does not love the Internet black market Yami-Ichi…

… with its sometimes weird objects?

We were especially looking forward to the “AI x Music Festival“, which took place for the first time this year. Here a picture from Orogenesis with Rupert Huber.

The sacred backdrop of the monastery of St. Florian was a very worthy place for this event. The opening was in accordance with the status – with an organ concert by Hermann Nitsch: Organ Recital.

The guided tours, such as Walking Lectures / Calculated Sensations with Siegfried Zielinski in the library of the monastery, provided an impression of the music and spaces.

Or else SHOJIKI “Play Back” Curing Tapes.

The crypt of the St. Florian monastery was also used. Here Interactions II by Martina Claussen.

In the evening we went to the Donaulände, where the 40th visualized Klangwolke pleased the audience.

At the OK Night the day ended.
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