Finally THE BIG PICTURE opens it’s doors. Read on to find out what you should not miss on day 1. The Ars Electronica Center and Quarter are expecting you! u19 – CREATE YOUR WORLD starts on 1 pm with the warmup, the exhibitions (Desire Of Codes, Interface Cultures, Campus-Exhibition and CyberArts) are opened one by…
a HEAVYLISTENING experience by Carl Schilde & Anselm Venezian Nehls Prepare yourself for a multi-sensory experience at this year’s Ars electronica Festival! Usually a symbol for urban individuality, here twelve tuned cars form an orchestra, collectively creating a wave-field that is rather felt than heard. Each car uses a massive subwoofer to play extremely low…
Throughout cultural history there was never a time, when man was not significantly influenced by the starry night skies. When we look into human activities in several continents we find one common frame of reference when it comes to the question: how did we come up with an episteme? It is the starry universe. So…
Interview with Ingo Leindecker and Thomas Diesenreiter
By 2050 85% of the world’s population will live in cities, quite a startling fact! Populations are growing at a startling rate and migration to urban centres is on the increase as people go in search of better lives, employment and opportunity. For cities such as Beijing, that is rapidly changing daily in terms of…
Ars Electronica’s internationally -renowned annual international festival of media arts for 2012 entitled THE BIG PICTURE is fast approaching. The festival team is delighted to offer you as we do every year yet another world class feast of fantastic concepts, ideas, discussion and projects that explores the relationship between art, science and technology, and how…
This is what recording sounds at the voestalpine looks like. Recorden is not the only thing you do. You edit, cut, mix and compose music out of what you’ve recorded. If you want to join in, go to the Klangwolke-website.
Cloud finds out details about what is planned for the Klangwolke. This is a testflight with 12 UAV.
Does the connection work? Yeah, the connection is up and running! The festivalteam is happy about their new collegues. Hugvie ATR Hiroshi Ishiguro Laboratory Our tele-operated androids Telenoid and Elfoid, which are designed with just the most basic human features and movements, implement new telecommunication media to convey the sense of a human presence. Our…
Die voestalpine bietet verschiedensten Unternehmen in Linz und Oberösterreich die Möglichkeit, ihre Lehrlinge unter ausgezeichneten Bedingungen ausbilden zu lassen. Außerdem beteiligen sich die Lehrwerkstätten auch an der voestalpine Klangwolke, in welcher Form genau, kann man im Video erfahren.
Unfortunately, the Ars Electronica did not get the permission to use this project during the voestalpine Klangwolke. Still, this blogpost offers some nice visuals. Members of the Amanogawa-Team (Japanese-only website) have visited Linz to check out what their LED-Balls behave like in the Danube. 50 000 of those balls will be part of the performance…
Gerhard Kürner, Head of Communications of voestalpine AG, talks about the commitement of voestalpine towards the Klangwolke and why only giving money never was an option for the company.
Safety first, that’s why you need a helmet. Grab an iPad to record, or use one of the provided fieldrecorders The workshops of the Klangwolke are not only about making music or edit sounds, they are also about experiencing various rooms and surroundings, not by the means that we use most, namely our eyes, but…
Josh and Ray Gardiner are currently working on a solution on how to light up the Klangwolken ABC during the voestalpine Klangwolke and they’ve come up with a pretty clever solution. Marco Palewicz, Josh Gardiner, Chris Bruckmayr and Ray Gardiner at the Futurelab The idea is quite simple and awesome: Take the information that is…
The second projectiontest at the Linz Harbour is supposed to bring information about the the behaviour of the containermatrix, which is essentially a really, really, really big screen. The Klangwolken ABC is growing, not only at the Ars Electronica Center or at home, but also at the OTELOS, open spaces to bring your ideas to…
St(Age) of Participation, supervised by Christopher Lindinger and choreographer Klaus Obermaier, deals with these questions. In the context of this artistic research project, the Ars Electronica Futurelab explores multi-media, interactive and three-dimensional technologies for stage performances of the future. In July, 2012, it is time, to try out our developments together with an audience. Therefore,… shows public status updates of people who are sharing their drug-consumation-habits, wheter they are hungover or if they’ve been fired, and some other topics. All of those can be a rather delicate matter in the wrong hands, and the shocking part about this website is the fact that every information shown is out in…