photo: Birgit Cakir

Artistic Journalism

Keio University SFC Online Course 2021

Ars Electronica Futurelab director Hideaki Ogawa taught an online course entitled “Artistic Journalism” at Keio University SFC (Shonan Fujisawa Campus). This experimental series of classes discusses artistic journalism through online lectures, online guided tours and dialogues with the Ars Electronica Center.

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Artistic Journalism 1/3: Understanding AI

Artistic journalism is the act of creating a social dialogue through artistic expression, research, exploration, and action. Artistic journalism is characterized by the creation of opportunities for subjective experience of facts and topics, rather than the transmission of objective facts through the written word.

In today’s age of overflowing visual information such as text and images, what is a new way to listen carefully and think deeply and slowly about facts and issues, rather than simply consuming or reacting to information and news?

The Artistic Journalism is a process of drawing a picture of the future through paying attention to the various creative questions that artists create, precisely because we live in an unstable and unclear age.
In this course, we will create a dialogue with new knowledge that cannot be conveyed by books, newspapers and online media alone, and discuss how to apply this dialogue to future policy, through the activities of Ars Electronica, based in Austria Linz.

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Artistic Journalism 2/3: Alchemists of the Future

Lecture Contents

  1. [Lecture] Introduction of Ars Electronica
  2. [Lecture] Art Thinking
  3. [Talk Session] Art x Journalism
    Guest: Chen Dominique (Waseda University)
  4. [Lecture] Technology & Life and Artistic Journalism
  5. [Ars Electronica Home Delivery] Understanding AI
    Guest: Andreas Bauer (Ars Electronica Center), Ali Nikrang (Ars Electronica Futurelab)
  6. [Lecture] Science and Artistic Journalism
    Guest: Shiho Fukuhara (Artist)
  7. [Ars Electronica Home Delivery] Alchemists of the Future
    Guest: Horst Hörtner (Ars Electronica Futurelab), Christoph Kremer (Ars Electronica Center)
  8. [Lecture] Society and Artistic Journalism
  9. [Ars Electronica Home Delivery] There is no planet B
    Guest: Christoph Kremer (Ars Electronica Center), Nicolas Naveau (Ars Electronica Futurelab)
  10. [Lecture] Global Issues and Artistic Journalism
  11. [Talk Session] Art x Governance
    Guest: Shugo Shinohara (Keio University SFC), Akira Wakita (Keio University SFC)
  12. [Presentation] Final Presentation and Critique Session 1
  13. [Presentation] Final Presentation and Critique Session 2
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Artistic Journalism 3/3: There Is No Planet B


Ars Electronica Futurelab: Hideaki Ogawa, Horst Hörtner, Ali Nikrang, Nicolas Naveau

Ars Electronica Center: Christoph Kremer, Andreas Bauer

Guests: Chen Dominique (Waseda University), Shiho Fukuhhara (artist), Akira Wakita (Keio University SFC), Shugo Shinohara (Keio University SFC)
In collaboration with Keio University SFC