Credit: Otto Saxinger


ZeitRaum (“TimeSpace”) is an interactive art installation the Ars Electronica Futurelab designed for the new terminal at Vienna International Airport. It creates real-time interpretations of arriving and departing flights.

ZeitRaum consists of a series of stations that accompany departing passengers on their way to their gates. The airport authority is also using the installation for half of the available time as an ad medium.

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At the core of this work is an imaginary space, one at the interface of all the world’s airports. Passengers enter it when they pass through a security checkpoint prior to takeoff, and leave it after touching down at their final destination. This space’s boundaries are constantly shifting in accordance with current air traffic. Within its confines, cultures, languages and nations segue into one another like adjacent time zones. This space hosts more than five billion people a year, men and women who are total strangers and yet feel that they’re temporarily interconnected as fellow members of a transient community. This space has had no name until now. The Ars Electronica Futurelab calls it ZeitRaum.

More infos on Zeitraum incl. photos, videos and ebook:


Research & Development: Michael Augustyn, Michael Badics, Florian Berger, Bernhard Böhm, Chris Bruckmayr, Kyle Buza, James Cochrane, Stefan Eibelwimmer, Rainer Eilmsteiner, Oliver Elias, Ingrid Fischer, Peter Freudling, Stefan Fuchs, Ramsy Gsenger, Carles Maria Gutierrez, Roland Haring, Wolfgang Hauer, Yvonne Hauser, Horst Hörtner, Peter Holzkorn, Karina Hurnaus, Leo Immervoll, Andreas Jalsovec, Petros Kataras, Travis Kirton, Alexander Kneidinger, Daniela Kuka, Anna Kuthan, Woeishi Lean, Christoph Liebmann, Christopher Lindinger, Pascal Maresch, Ronald Martins, Benjamin Mayr, Michael Mayr, Kristefan Minski, Stefan Mittlböck-Jungwirth-Fohringer, Harald Moser, Nicolas Naveau, Katharina Nussbaumer-Greiderer, Hideaki Ogawa, Emiko Ogawa, Dietmar Peter, Andreas Pramböck, Gerald Priewasser, Pierre Emile Proske, Gabriele Purdue, Erwin Reitböck, Carl Johan Rosen, Bianca Schober, Damian Stewart, David Stolarsky, Enrique Tomas, Markus Wipplinger, Daniel Wilcox, Mahir M. Yavuz.

Additional Artists: Jussi Ängeslevä / Ross Cooper, Rupert Huber, Yugo Nakamura

Special Thanks: Tania Baharyan-Pfeffer, Peter Mayerhofer, Norbert Steiner, Martin Deutenhauser, Barbara Kraus, Abraham Miskic, Leopold Kirbes, Eckehart Loidolt, Anton Pichler, Ewald Seidl, Alexander Peter Zillner