Performance Art

  • Absolute Hallucination

    Absolute Hallucination

    KI-Improvisation am selbstspielenden Klavier

    Absolute Hallucination: An AI Self-Playing Piano Improvisation von Key Researcher Ali Nikrang des Futurelab zeigt den kreativen Raum, den ein KI-basiertes Musikkompositionssystem erlernt, indem es zufällig verschiedene Kompositionspfade beschreitet. Es wirft Fragen über die Natur der Musik und die halluzinatorischen Eigenschaften von generativer KI auf. Die Weltpremiere dieses Stücks fand auf der Biennale Musica 2024 in…

  • transart23: Pianographique

    transart23: Pianographique

    Musik und Bilder von Mensch und Maschine

    „Pianographique – Music and Images by Humans and Machines“ beim Festival transart23 in Bozen vereinte zwei aktuelle künstlerische Forschungsprojekte der Ars Electronica, die sich der kreativen Verschmelzung von Instrumentalmusik und digitalen Technologien widmen.

  • Tosca – Odeon

    Tosca – Odeon

    Rupert Huber and Richard Dorfmeister (aka TOSCA) premiered their new album Odeon at Linz’s Musiktheater together with vocalists Sarah Carlier, Robert Gallagher, Rodney Hunter and Jay Jay Jones as well as the Wiener K&K String Quartet.

  • Murmur


    by Aakash Odedra & Lewis Major

    British dancer/choreographer Aakash Odedra and Australian choreographer Lewis Major teamed up with Ars Electronica Futurelab to create a dance performance blending technology such as tracking, visualisations, projections and more.

  • (St)Age of Participation

    (St)Age of Participation

    Between 2011 and 2015, under the scientific direction of Christopher Lindinger, the Ars Electronica Futurelab and media artist, choreographer and composer Klaus Obermaier have been jointly investigating innovative forms of audience involvement in stage-based media art.

  • Apparition by Klaus Obermaier

    Apparition by Klaus Obermaier

    With cutting edge creative technology developers, Apparition was a compelling dance and media performance for the stage that successfully integrated interactive sensor and tracking technology in innovative ways to give the dancer the possibility to interact with and control the image and the musical environment. A new project of the award winning composer and media…