Open Futurelab 2020

The Open Futurelab already planned for 2020 was redesigned into a major experiment due to the Covid pandemic – intended to create a hybrid interaction space that confronted the difficulties of social distance as well as the opportunities presented by telepresence. For not only the lab itself, but the entire festival was challenged by the pandemic that year.

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Open Futurelab 2020 provided a glimpse behind the LED-lit façade and into the lab’s key research topics, both online and on-site in Linz: As part of the Ars Electronica Festival, the lab team offered public tours of its ateliers and studios at the facility.

Another part of Open Futurelab 2020 was Virtual Show: Here, the lab’s headquarters were transformed into a virtually accessible space in the sense of an interactive 3D environment. Performances and shows were made available to the world via Mozilla Hubs as interactive 3D online experiences. The installation called Door To Door used a metaphor to connect real and virtual spaces: A physical door installed in the actual lab connected to Mozilla Hubs when opened. An experimental online format called Creative Question Challenge (CQC) invited visitors to discuss the challenges of the present and the future together with the Ars Electronica Futurelab’s team and external experts.

Find a review about Open Futurelab 2020 on the Ars Electronica Blog

Exhibitions and Demos at the Ars Electronica Futurelab

Exhibitions and Demos at the JKU

Exhibitions and Demos at the Ars Electronica Center

Talks, Performances, Events

Key Research Presentations

Performances und Events

Video Journeys


Ars Electronica Futurelab: Flavia Andessner, Friedrich Bachinger, Sanja Bajakic, Florian Berger, Patrick Berger, Alexandre Bizri, Kerstin Blätterbinder, Birgit Cakir, Arno Deutschbauer, Manuel Dobusch, Samuel Jakob Eckl, Marianne Eisl, Stephan Feichter, Peter Freudling, Matthew Gardiner, Vanessa Graf, Barbara Habringer, Roland Haring, Peter Holzkorn, Horst Hörtner, Kyoko Kunoh, Anna Kuthan, Elisabeth Luger, Maria Mayr, Stefan Mittlböck-Jungwirth-Fohringer, Otto Naderer, Nicolas Naveau, Ali Nikrang, Hideaki Ogawa, Maria Pfeifer, Johannes Pöll, Daniel Rammer, Erwin Reitböck, Raphael Schaumburg-Lippe, Simon Schmid, Yoko Shimizu, Susanne Teufelauer, Georgios Tsampounaris, Julian Zauner