(re)understanding media extension of agency in the global village/Gordon Fung (US), Sam Anthem (US), Benjamin Glass (US), Patrick Glennon (US), Yuwen Huang (CN), Liang He (CN)/Photo: flap

(re)understanding media: extension of agency in the global village

Gordon Fung (US), Sam Anthem (US), Benjamin Glass (US), Patrick Glennon (US), Yuwen Huang (CN), Liang He (CN)

POSTCITY, First Floor, Campus
Do 5. Sep 2024 16:00 – 17:00

Counteracting the dystopian media injustice, artists challenge the status quo to regain agency for users of media tools. Through interactive multimedia installations, artists invite visitors to explore regained agency through arts and technology.

Examining blockchain, video games, man-versus-machine, AI-generated content, bio-art and motion-capture, the artists create an immersive space where visitors re-learn media tools to build a better and more hopeful world.


  • Benjamin Glass


    Benjamin Glass works at the crossroads of biology, technology, the speculative and the spiritual. His work creates modalities of mystic fabulation as a means of challenging the reification of science, and reaffirms its historical origins in the occult. His work often implores humor as a tool for critical and imaginative engagement.

  • Gordon Fung


    Gordon Fung expands the traditional caretaking role of the curator. He applies stewardship to artworks, artists, history, culture and the community at large to ensure constructive dialog between them. Recognizing the cultural significance of media and technology, his curations bring equilibrium to art scenes where media arts are underrepresented.

  • Liang He


    Liang He (born 2000 in Foshan, China) is an interdisciplinary artist, researcher and gamer. He creates sculptures, installations and cartography to replicate and counterbalance anxiety about human subjectivity under capitalism. Liang is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Fine Arts at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

  • Patrick Glennon


    Patrick Glennon komponiert für Tanz, schreibt und spielt mit dem experimentellen Pop-Trio Big Pal und dem elektro-akustischen Duo Lirra Skirra. Seit 2016 kuratiert er das unabhängige Plattenlabels Dead Definition. In seinem Studio verschmelzen Synthesizer und Videospielentwicklung durch interaktiven Installationen.

  • Sam Anthem


    Sam Anthem is an interdisciplinary sound, performance and media artist who seeks to illuminate and animate socially-embedded status quos and often invisible material relations. Weaving conceptual threads across archives, bodies, species and social lives, their work addresses power and knowledge systems through sonic and technological encounters.