#ALPHALOOP is an innovative performance exploring the intersection of nature and technology through techno-shamanism. Inspired by Timothy Leary’s cybernetic shamanism and northern Quebec’s myths, it critiques Extended Reality (XR) technology and spirituality.
With a mix of 360° cinema and live performance, it immerses up to 6 participants in a unique experience that blends reality with digital perceptions, guided by two antagonists, HIM and the MÉTA.
The core research question of #ALPHALOOP centers on exploring the intersection of the sacred and technology through the concept of techno-shamanism. The work challenges the conventional dichotomy between nature and technology, proposing that both are integral manifestations of reality. Inspired by Timothy Leary’s theories on cybernetic shamanism and enriched by a research trip focusing on the myths and cultures of northern Quebec, the project critically examines Extended Reality (XR) technologies, the ideology of innovation, and spirituality. The audience experiences this as a 50-minute performance that merges 360° cinema and live performance. Limited to up to 6 people per session, participants follow a guided path led by two antagonists, HIM (a shaman) and the MÉTA (a technomancer), while equipped with DIY mixed reality headsets. This immersive setup transforms their sensory perception, blending physical and digital realities of the world around them.

Language: EN, other
Max. 6
Photo: Stéphane Bailby
Adelin Schweitzer
Adelin Schweitzer ist ein zeitgenössischer französischer Künstler, Regisseur und Performer, der für seine technologischen Umwege und seinen ikonoklastischen Einsatz von Extended Realities (XR) bekannt ist. Seine Kreationen richten sich gegen die Ideologie des Techno-Solutionismus und den Glauben an eine Technologie, die in der Lage ist, alle sozialen, wirtschaftlichen und ökologischen Probleme zu lösen. Der Künstler entwickelt eine Art Anleitung zur Selbstverteidigung, schelmisch und außergewöhnlich formuliert, die uns ermöglicht, eine von der Technologie angenagte Gesellschaft neu zu überdenken.
Artistic Direction: Adelin Schweitzer / Write & Play: Fred Sechet & Adelin Schweitzer / Dramaturgy: Pina Wood / Software Developement: Naoyuki Tanaka & Gaëtan Parseihian / Sound Design: Lucien Gaudion & Gaëtan Parseihian / Co-Production: Crossed Lab / Deletere / Station Mir / Partners & Supports: Cnc-Dicréam / Région Sud / Drac Et Scan Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes / Région Normandie / Consulat De France Au Québec