Daily Harvest Performance.
The Solar Share stages a form of planetary economics based on photosynthesis. Every day a microalgae culture converts sunlight into edible biomass. The yield of the 1 sq.m bioreactor is a concrete means of measuring solar income—actual new energy entering the Earth’s metabolism.
The harvest will retrieve this yield and prepare it for storage. The workshop includes a walkthrough of the project, the science behind it and an opportunity to discuss the implications with the artists.
Meeting Point: S+T+ARTS, First Floor
Language: EN
Register here:
Max. 25
Photo: Antoine Calafat
DISNOVATION.ORG verbindet zeitgenössische Kunst, Forschung und Hacking zu einer kritischen Übersetzung komplexer sozio-ökologischer Debatten in operative und provokative Ausstellungen. Sie schaffen radikale Kunstwerke, die als große Laborexperimente zu den Themen Energie, Ökologie und Wirtschaft inszeniert werden und als Katalysatoren für die Inszenierung einer Zukunft dienen, die von den vorherrschenden Narrativen abweicht. Ihre Ausstellungen, Bücher und Videos durchdringen die globale Kulturlandschaft und fördern einen kritischen Dialog an der Schnittstelle von Kunst, Politik und Wissenschaft.
Conception and realization: DISNOVATION.ORG / Co-production: IFT Paris, X-Center Nova Gorica / Co-design: Katharina Ammann / Project assistants: Romain Theron, LĂ©o Lima
The Solar Share is realized with the support of the S+T+ARTS program of the European Union, and co-commissioned by HacTe Barcelona, in the frame of the challenge, Understanding And Engineering Photosynthesis For a More Sustainable Future
With the support of the S+T+ARTS program of the European Union.
Presented in the context of the STARTS in the City project. STARTS in the City has received funding from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No. LC-01984766.