The Future-Dreaming Ritual
Hosted by polymath artist Pierre-Christophe Gam, the “future-dreaming” ritual invites us to collectively envision the future.
Woven around the Five Pillars of IFA — an ancient divination system from West Africa — the two-hour ritual explores the possibilities of how we could Eat, Play, Dream, Pray, and Love in an ideal future. It serves as a powerful catalyst for breaking free from the constraints of our present reality, encouraging us to imagine a world shaped around our innermost desires.

Meeting Point: Workshop Room, First Floor
Language: EN
Max. 16
Photo: Guy Kouekam
Pierre-Christophe Gam
Der vielseitige Künstler und Forscher Pierre-Christophe Gam bewegt sich mit seiner Arbeit an der Schnittstelle von Kunst, Technologie und Zukunftsschau.
Ausgebildet an der ENSAD in Paris und am CSM in London, entwirft er Geschichten, die auf alten, im vorkolonialen Erbe Afrikas verwurzelten Mythen basieren, und erweckt sie durch interaktive, physische und virtuelle Räume zum Leben, um die Grenzen unserer Vorstellungskraft zu erweitern.
Seine Arbeiten wurden unter anderem im Guggenheim Museum Bilbao und im Vitra Design Museum in Weil am Rhein gezeigt.
TOGUNA WORLD and The Sanctuary of Dreams is the winner of the 2022 Unity for Humanity grant award and of the 2023 Unity special Kick-off award in partnership with the Tribeca Film Festival. It was presented during the 2023 edition of the festival as part of The Creator’s Market official selection. Its development was made possible in part under the Future Africa: Telling Stories, Building Worlds Program led by Africa No Filter, together with Meta, Electric South and Imisi3D; and under the CChange fellowship program led by Goethe-Institut San Francisco, Gray Area and the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany.
This project is presented in the context of the European Digital Deal co-funded by the European Union’s Creative Europe program under grant agreement No 101100036, as well as the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport.