Autocratic leaders are increasingly gaining power—and weakening human rights—around the world. The world is losing its way. Conflicts are raging. Inequalities are deepening. Civic space is shrinking and the media is under attack from all sides. Authoritarian countries also sense that democratic nations are not prioritising the international human rights system.
„Ethics by Design“ (EbD) is a proactive approach that integrates ethical considerations into every stage of the development process to minimize potential harm to humans, animals, and the environment.
Pecha Kucha ist eine Veranstaltung zum 20-jährigen Bestehen von Interface Cultures (IC) an der Kunstuniversität Linz. Ausgewählte Alumni halten kurze Pecha Kucha-Vorträge, in denen sie über ihre künstlerische und berufliche Entwicklung seit Abschluss ihres Studiums sprechen und aktuelle Arbeiten im Entstehungsprozess präsentieren.
This panel will explore how artists articulate the scope and conditions of our existence through their work. It will address key questions: What should we fight against, and what should we protect in times of war and social conflicts?
As creators in an era of Technofeudalism, how can we challenge the status quo by introducing innovations in technological applications while maintaining cultural diversity? In Taiwan, the cultural content industry collaborates with technology companies, integrating soft power with hardware to foster creativity. Creators, enterprises and the public sector attempt to come up with a human-centered,…
This session provides an exclusive overview of the Digital Inter/Section (DI/S) outcomes, a pan-European project exploring new business models for digital art organizations. Over the past few years, DI/S stakeholders have gathered extensive industry insights, published comprehensive reports, developed sustainability guidelines, and experimented with prototyping business models. The session will preview some innovative tools and…
Junge Menschen stehen vor großer Unklarheit. In unserem Zustand der Dauerkrise diskutiert man viel, streitet und resigniert. In der Dämmerung der Demokratie bleibt die Debatte um Wandel aber auffallend leise. Genau diese Debatte soll jetzt aber geführt werden: Brauchen wir Wandel? Ist Wandel möglich? Und wenn ja, wie? Das Publikum diskutiert mit jungen Menschen, Expertinnen,…
This panel presents current approaches to digitizing, preserving and (subsequently) presenting cultural heritage. The topics discussed will range from high-quality digitization methods to data design and modelling.
NeXus Forum: Towards Future-Oriented XR is a dynamic panel discussion organized by DNP and Ars Electronica Futurelab. The event brings together experts to explore the current applications and future developments of XR technology.
Five artists have been collaborating with SHARESPACE to engage in artistic explorations of the project’s technology and concepts in the past two years. Their work resulted in the creation of three artworks shown at the Deep Space 8K.
Wie verhalte ich mich, wenn ich einem fremden Menschen begegne? Welche Ängste und Unsicherheiten werden abgerufen und warum eigentlich? Wie verhält es sich beim Erstkontakt mit neuen Technologien? Welche Anziehungskraft übt das Unbekannte aus?