
Darío Sacco (AR)
This sound bio-installation is formed by a colony of beings made up of disused technological parts and bio-units of decomposing organic material.

The Biosphere Project
Joaquín Fargas (AR)
The Biosphere Project consists of natural ecosystems isolated in sealed containers that only allow the external influence of heat and light.

Lecture on Performance and Interaction
Ruairi Glynn
Dr Ruairi Glynn, Director of the Interactive Architecture Lab, will give a talk on notions of Antidisciplinarity in Design for Performance and Interaction and emerging new types of practice.

Bartlett artists’ videos
The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UK)
A 1-hour collection of student project films from the Bartlett School of Architecture’s Interactive Architecture Lab, Automated Architecture Ltd/Automated Architecture Labs, BioID, Unit 24, Unit 9, Unit 14, RC14.

Jason Bruges Studio (UK)
The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UK)
A curated selection of talks and 360 films that provide insight into the Studio’s process and practice. Normally inhabiting physical spaces, a number of the Studio’s installations are transformed and brought to a virtual audience for the first time.

Urbanism Beyond Cognition
The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UK)
Developed by Research Cluster 14, the projects showcase how data allows designers to expand their remit by design at the scale of a country or how AI can give agency to non-human ecological and robotic actors.

BSc Unit 9 HUB
The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UK)
Unit 9 is a design studio within the undergraduate architecture programme at the Bartlett UCL. Led by Jessica In and Chee-Kit Lai, the Unit has developed a continued interest in the performative aspects of new technologies and their expressive potentials for the design and representation of architecture.

Automated Architecture Labs HUB
The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UK)
AUAR Labs is the research laboratory co-directed by Mollie Claypool, Manuel Jimenez Garcia and Gilles Retsin at The Bartlett School of Architecture, previously known as Design Computation Lab. As part of AUAR Labs co-directors run the studio Research Cluster 4 (RC4) in MArch Architectural Design at The Bartlett focused on automated housing. The work of RC4 believes in the agency of architecture for change. Automation is not only about robots – it is first and foremost a design project.

Design for Performance and Interaction / Interactive Architecture Lab HUB
The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UK)
IAL Hub Space showcases student projects. The space takes a critical stance on developments across art, science, and technology to spearhead thinking in the 21st century. The projects presented are films and virtual prototypes. We have come to realize that now, more than ever, boundaries which define the arts and sciences no longer hold. To address the changing political, ecological, and technological landscapes, we engage in dialogues that are unfamiliar or uncomfortable.

Who am I?
A human-robot performance Who Am I? is a performative art installation that traces the relationship between a robot and the human body, between programmed and spontaneous, reproducible and irreproducible. The project takes the myth of Pygmalion as a starting point and investigates the relationship between creator/creation and their perception in a world of AI. Who Am I? is based on the interaction between human and robot, by mirroring the relationship between natural and artificial as a deep meditation on human nature.

Cellular Seeds – Inexorable futures
Alejandra Marinaro (AR)
The Latinamerican Bioarte Lab (LatBioLab) explores more than 12 years of Bioart in Argentina. From ‘The Biosphere Project‘, Joaquín Fargas (AR), a simple way to show the world ecosytem, until ‘Colony‘, Darío Sacco (AR) that connects technology with biology and ‘Cellular Seeds - Inexorable Futures‘, Aleandra Marinaro (AR) that generates a new kind of “tech-life“. The Biosphere Project launches the adoption program of small worlds: ¨Adopt a World, adopt your World¨.

Cellular Seeds - Live Interaction with the artist
Alejandra Marinaro (AR)
Live interaction with the artist The existence of destiny is an inherent question about the human condition and many believe it to be unique. Meet the artist behind Cellular Seeds. Link to enter will be available in

Fargas open studio
Joaquín Fargas (AR)
Live interaction with the artist Visit the studio in real time and talk with the artist. Meet the robots Glaciator and Rabdomante. Link to enter will be available in

Dialogue Between Deserts
Joaquín Fargas (AR)
Two robots (Glaciator and Rabdomante) placed in two symbolic spaces ―Rabdomante in the Atacama Desert and Glaciator in Antarctica― aim to sensitize us to our human condition and our relationship with Earth Gaia. Glaciator Glaciator is a robot made in Antarctica. Made up of solar panels, it compacts and crystallizes snow, turning it into ice and then adhering it to glaciers to help them grow and regain the mass they lost as a result of thawing. Rabdomante Design and realization: Elia Gasparolo The combination of nature and technology allows Rabdomante to generate a new life cycle in the desert, drawing water from the atmosphere in the driest place in the world.

Photosynthetic Landscapes
UMPRUM, Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (CZ)
The technologization of the natural element is a phenomenon closely connected with the present time, and in addition to the increased efficiency of plant production, it is also negatively associated with the loss of the "natural" at the expense of the "technological". What happens if these elements support each other?

Die Menschine
Kommhaus (AT)
Die Menschine ist ein Buch über die Verbindung und Verschmelzung von Mensch und Maschine. Renommierte Experten verschiedener Disziplinen beleuchten in Texten Themen wie Digitalisierung, Vernetzung, Robotik, Künstliche Intelligenz, industrielle Revolution und Industrie 4.0.

Presence of Absence: Guided Tour & Demo
by Prof. Hiroshi Ishii, Liang Zhipeng
We will host a live talk featuring some selected projects inside Tangible Media Group | MIT MediaLab in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In the end audiences are invited to have an open conversation with us.

Presence of Absence: Garden
We will host an online garden to explore the “Presence of Absence.” Students and Professor Ishii from Tangible Media Group | MIT MediaLab will guide you through the future of Tangible Telepresence and Radical Atoms.

Digital Exhibition Sojourner 2020 – A conversation among all artists
Through the ages, artists, writers, and filmmakers have been inspired by space. Their visionary depictions of space as an environment for people have influenced the scientific and engineering feats we know so well today. How will artists continue to inspire the future of space exploration? What are the opportunities and challenges in the creation of art for our interplanetary futures?

Digital Exhibition: Sojourner 2020
In 2019, the Space Exploration Initiative announced an open call to invite artists to submit artworks for an exciting ISS launch opportunity. After three rounds of reviews, nine groups of artists are selected to be on board Sojourner2020, an international art payload. For this year's Ars Electronica In Kepler’s garden online program, we created a digital spaceship to share the diverse portfolio from the initiative. Audiences are invited to immerse themselves in this digital world, walk around and encounter each other.