Acquired Immunity Guided Tour 2 - with live Q&A
Adam Zaretsky

This episode features a guided tour of the exhibition by invited artist Adam Zaretsky, followed by a live Q&A.

Acquired Immunity Guided Tour 3 - with live Q&A
Luis Graça

This episode features a guided tour of the exhibition by immunologist Luis Graça, followed by a live Q&A.

An Uncertain but Irresistible Revolution 
Héctor Ayuso (ES) with Carla Cascales Alimbau (ES), Xavi Cardona / Boldtron (ES), Enric Godes / Vasava (ES

ROUNDTABLE: In a technological world in which the present has eternalized and the oblivion is the security of the next innovation, what we call reality is a magma in which floats an endless number of images, data, pieces of information, flashbacks and promises of liberation. This fact requires us to find other rules, other ways of reading and new ways of looking through unexpected paths. 

Art and Science of the Political Ecology of Disasters 
José Luis de Vicente (ES), Joana Moll (ES), Andy Gracie (UK), Israel Rodríguez (ES), Ingrid Guardiola (ES), relator Vanina Hofman (AR) 

ROUNDTABLE: Catastrophes and vulnerability have brought us to the forefront the urgency of acting against the consequences of the Anthropocene. We will explore all the possible futures ahead, facing the interactions between biological and ecological systems, but also the media ecology, within a relational ecology of practices where art, science and technology collide. 

On Bio_Sonic_Agencies. 
Brandon LaBelle (US), Robertina Šebjanič (SI), Oscar Martín (ES), Vanessa Lorenzo (ES), Laura Benítez (ES). 

ROUNDTABLE: In a world dominated by the visual, could contemporary resistances be auditory? What is the materiality of sound? How does the materiality of sound affect listening? What resistances can be configured from working with biomaterials and sound? Do these bio_sonic_agencies open up other possible spaces that do not exist in the visual regime? 

Two Hands Performance

Two Hands is a combination of Korean traditional shamanism and contemporary media performance, raising the question of whether future technology can dominate the human mind and soul. Alluding to Roy Ascott's Technoetic Arts, which talks about the connection between technology and spiritual means, Two Hands focuses on the spiritual experience that will present a new possibility to expand the limits of technology.

SH4D0W Immersive AI Experience in the 4D Box (3D Hologram Technology)
The Culture Yard (DK), CLICK (DK)

The immersive experience SH4D0W takes place online in the hologram 4D box. The audience will engage in a live dialogue with a performer and an artificial intelligence about sharing and harvesting memories.

!brute_force: Feeding the Algorithm / AI LAB Journey
Maja Smrekar (SI)

Responding to the coronavirus pandemic, the !brute_force project focuses on the future of market-driven diagnostic wearables and AI-based health monitoring technologies. A human and dog performer climb through an installation of platforms and empty spaces. Both wear Electrocardiograph ECG/EKG diagnostic wearables, used for the medical monitoring of chronic heart and respiratory conditions.

!brute_force: Workflow Reflections – Panel
Speakers: Alen Balja (SI/CH), Martí Sànchez-Fibla (ES), Maja Smrekar (SI), Tina Šolar (SI), Mia Zahariaš (SI), Moderation: Tatiana Kourochkina (RU)

Responding to the coronavirus pandemic, the !brute_force project focuses on the future of market-driven diagnostic wearables and AI-based health monitoring technologies. A human and dog performer climb through an installation of platforms and empty spaces. Both wear Electrocardiograph ECG/EKG diagnostic wearables, used for the medical monitoring of chronic heart and respiratory conditions.

Jugend hackt remote: digital gardening
Jugend hackt Austria (AT), c3 (HU), mb21 (DE), ArtechLAB (NL), Ars Electronica (AT)

Wir präsentieren das Ergebnis von Jugend hackt remote: digital gardening, einem Hackathon für Jugendliche von 12 bis 18 Jahren. Er fand am 29. August statt und lud junge ProgrammiererInnen aus Österreich, Deutschland, Ungarn und den Niederlanden ein.

Award Ceremony der Kategorie „u19–create your world"

Die u19-Zeremonie ist der eigentliche Höhepunkt des Festivals create your world. Hier werden die Preise an alle 24 Siegerprojekte vergeben. In diesem Jahr dient die Veranstaltung auch als Auftakt für die anschließenden Networking-Möglichkeiten im Rahmen des Festivals create your world.

Creative Question Challenge: Hybrid forms of being together
3 137 (GR), Audrey-Flore Ngomsik (FR), Christos Carras (UK/GR)

"Lasst uns beenden, was wir begonnen haben." Auf diese Weise stellt die UNO ihr erstes Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung vor - das Ende der Armut in allen Formen und Dimensionen bis 2030. Die 17 Ziele der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung und ihre 169 Teilziele wurden als ein ausuferndes, missverständliches Durcheinander großer Absichten beschrieben. Allein der Titel der Entwicklungsagenda - "Unsere Welt umgestalten" - verströmt utopische Ambitionen. Er wurde 2015 von 193 Nationen angenommen. Fünf Jahre später und mit zehn verbleibenden Jahren: Wie wird sich unsere Welt verändern?

Creative Question Challenge: Examining organic and digital ecosystems
Hypercomf (GR), Markos Digenis (GR)

Will there be no poverty and zero hunger across the world in ten years? Is this planet to be populated in ten years by billions of healthy and educated humans? Is comfortability or autonomy more important to well-being? Can you be comfortably autonomus? These are the questions scientists were asked who applied to an open call to collaborate with artists in the STUDITOPIA residency program.

Unnatural Language: Botanic Quartet
Scott Kildall - Xenoform Labs (US), Michael Ang (CA)

Botanic Quartet is a generative musical composition by four plants endemic to Thailand. The results constitute a sort of ecospheric sentience as the plants don’t only respond to the sensed data, but communicate it to each other. This is a project under the umbrage of Unnatural Language, an ongoing collaboration between Scott Kildall and Michael Ang. Scott Kildall has been working with art, technology and education for over 15 years, looking at the interplay between territory and technology.

Making of Lunar Pearl
Henryandpartners (TH), SpaceZab (TH)

Pearl of Lunar explores infrastructural desire and the future of Belt-and-Road Initiatives as seen through wealth accumulation, labor infiltration, and geopolitical control; but also, more ephemerally, the affective meshwork of possessiveness and greed that functions at the individual and corporate level. Lunar Rock is a project by SpaceZab, a group of young scientists’ journey into Trad city, a rocky seaside landscape. They wade through rocks and the oceanside, excavating magmatic rock from the shore and the sea. The quest is to discover earth elements resembling moon dust for their future research and experiments.

Creative Question Challenge: Human being and "soft" technologies
Christiaan Zwanikken (NL), DM Hoyt (US), Emmanuel Grimaud (FR)

"Lasst uns beenden, was wir begonnen haben." Auf diese Weise stellt die UNO ihr erstes Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung vor - das Ende der Armut in allen Formen und Dimensionen bis 2030. Die 17 Ziele der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung und ihre 169 Teilziele wurden als ein ausuferndes, missverständliches Durcheinander großer Absichten beschrieben. Allein der Titel der Entwicklungsagenda - "Unsere Welt umgestalten" - verströmt utopische Ambitionen. Er wurde 2015 von 193 Nationen angenommen. Fünf Jahre später und mit zehn verbleibenden Jahren: Wie wird sich unsere Welt verändern?

Creative Question Challenge: Between scientific discovery and perceptual expansion
Dmitry Gelfand & Evelina Domnitch (NL/BY), Guillaume Schweicher (BE/LU), Florian Schreck (DE)

Let us finish what we started'. This is how the UN introduces its first Sustainable Development Goal - to end poverty in all forms and dimensions by 2030. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and their 169 targets have been described as a sprawling, misconceived mess of grandiose intentions. The title of the development agenda itself - 'Transforming our World' - oozes utopian ambition. It was adopted by 193 nations in 2015. Five years later and with ten years left, how do you think our world will transform?

Art in Flux: Media Arts Now

Art in Flux is a charitable organisation committed to furthering the development of the media arts community in the UK. The online exhibition will present the organisation to the public featuring photographs and video of key projects by ART IN FLUX. The exhibition will also showcase key works by the Art in Flux founders and a moving image program.

Art in Flux Live: Autonomy @ Ars Electronica Channel

The Art in Flux founders introduce the ethos of the organisation and their own practices through live video tours.

Gare Loch Duality and the #UndesiredLine - Live
B.D. Owens, Donna Holford-Lovell

Two new films by B.D. Owens followed by a live Q&A with the artist and NEoN Director, Donna Holford-Lovell.