Observing the Microscopic Gardens
Saša Spačal (SI), Toby Kiers (NL/US), Esmee Geerken (NL), De Onkruidenier (NL), Spela Petric (SI), Nicola Triscott (UK)

The nocturnal roundtable “Observing the Microscopic Gardens” features three events: 1. Artist Saša Spačal and microbiologist professor Toby Kiers discuss microbial trade agreements 2. Artist/chemist Esmee Geerken and De Onkruideniers present their microscopic garden houses 3. Artist Spela Petric and curator Nicola Triscott discuss what opinions plants and animals might have about human activity on their/our planet.

Observing the Macroscopic Gardens
Christiaan Zwanikken (NL), Raoul Frese (NL), Angelo Vermeulen (BE), Remco Daalder (NL)

The nocturnal roundtable “Observing the Macroscopic Gardens” features two talks: 1. Artist Christaan Zwanikken will talk about city-dwelling plant robots with astrophysicist Raoul Frese 2. Artist-biologist Angelo Vermeulen will talk about socializing Mars-gardens with Remco Daalder, municipal ecologist of Amsterdam

Examining the State of Electronic Music and Sound Practice at Academic Institutions

Sound Campus” is a new program oriented towards examining the state of experimental sound practices at universities and research centers. It opens a possibility for students and researchers to present new forms of understanding sonic art to the audience of Ars Electronica Festival. This year's program, curated by Enrique Tomás, presents uneasy sound performances resonating in the face of a critical present; intrusive music, touching us despite lockdowns.

Ūmėdė (pre-symposium)
Julijonas Urbonas, artist Ignas Pavliukevičius, artist and composer Gailė Griciūtė, Vytautas Michelkevičius

Ūmėdė is x⬳ disciplinary symposium for emerging art and related matters, and takes its name from the Lithuanian term for the mushroom Russula. x might stand for post-, ex-, extra-, exo-, trans-, poly-, hyper-, trans-, meta-, ultra-, etc.

The World is Here For You
Eye Gymnastics (LT)

For the AE Garden Vilnius festival duo presents a two live vocals performance, subtle spoken melodies and soar beats in a dialog with Arturas Bumšteinas’ musical material. During the show, the performers connect eye exercises inspired texts with gradually evolving melodic inserts, spoken songs. In a midst of all suddenly accommodating autumn rush, repetitive, hypnotic recitation invites you to exercise your gaze and see through within.

AI x MUSIC FESTIVAL Opening Ceremony
The Grid (US/EU), Gray Area (US), Codame (US), ZERO1 (US), MUTEK.SF (US), EUNIC Silicon Valley (US), EUNIC Washington DC (US), EUNIC New York (US), Ars Electronica AIxMusic Festival (AT), STARTS, European Commission (EU), Center for Humane Technology (US), Salesforce (US)

Ihr guide zum AIxMUSIC FESTIVAL Opening mit Livestream.

THE WILD STATE: State of Intimacy
Fabrizio Lamoncha Martinez (ES)

Diese einzigartige Ausstellung spiegelt in vielerlei Hinsicht die Vielfalt der internationalen Studierendengruppe von Interface Cultures wider. Viele der Kunst- und Technologieprojekte der Studierenden scheinen uns zu ermutigen, über neue kollektive Werte nachzudenken.

THE WILD STATE: Sound Campus
Enrique Tomás (ES)

Sound Campus ist ein neues Programm, das speziell darauf ausgerichtet ist, den Stand der experimentellen Klangpraktiken an Universitäten und Forschungszentren zu untersuchen. Es eröffnet Studierenden und ForscherInnen die Möglichkeit, dem großen Publikum des Ars Electronica Festivals neue Formen des Verständnisses von Klangkunst vorzustellen. Das diesjährige Programm, das von Enrique Tomás kuratiert wird, präsentiert unbehagliche Klangperformances, die im Angesicht einer kritischen Gegenwart nachklingen. Aufdringliche Musik, die uns trotz der Abriegelung berührt.

Julia Nüßlein (DE), Davide Bevilacqua (IT)

Die Ausstellung "Der wilde Staat: vernetzt" versucht, den Zustand der Unsicherheit hinter sich zu lassen, indem sie einige der jüngsten und interessantesten Beiträge auf den Linzer Hauptplatz bringt. – Ein Rundgang durch die Ausstellung mit den KuratorInnen Julia Nüßlein (DE) und Davide Bevilacqua (IT)

Fertile Methodologies
Tactical Space Lab (AU)

The Tactical Space Lab is a research initiative focusing on the intersection of art and technology. We are committed to expanding the diversity of stories and voices represented through new technologies via collaborative projects and educational programs across all ages, with the aim of ‘demystifying’ VR, not just for artists, but for the wider community.

The Woman-Machine
le lieu unique (FR)

The Woman-Machine is a two-day event on the main stage of le lieu unique. In response to La Mettrie (and Kraftwerk) le lieu unique invites artists, scientists and performers to discuss the relationship between AIs and gender, robots and feminism, machine learning and the world after the pandemic.

The Wild State

THE WILD STATE is the title of this year’s Kunstuniversität Campus activities at Hauptplatz Linz during Ars Electronica Festival 2020 from 9. – 13. September 2020. Existing since 2002, the intention of the Campus format is to invite outstanding international universities working in the academic fields of media arts and design. This year with an exhibition with contributions by various partner universities, as well as the departments Interface Cultures, Visual Communication, Fashion&Technology, Art Education, and Design: Tech.Tex. Special events comprise façade projection “Interfacing Hauptplatz”, the Internet flea market “Yami-ichi”, discursive format “Agora Digitalis” and the top notch nightline “Sound Campus”.

Chronicles of an Art and Science Collaboration, Otaniemi-Espoo, Finland
Aalto University (FI)

The project highlights the use of autoethnographic narrative as tool for artistic and design research. It brings together self-reflections from three scientists who participated in an art and science collaboration dealing with the use of bio-cellulose for art and design purposes. Through their stories we learn about what inspired them to follow careers in science and how the making of a contribution to sustainability and the good of humankind sustains their work objectives.