Ars Electronica Garden

Edmund Campion and Claudia Hart
ALICE, ALICES UNCHAINED, and THE FLOWER MATRIX is a long-term collaborative project between media artist Claudia Hart and composer Edmund Campion (CNMAT). Since 2013, they have collaborated on the ALICES project, a series of artworks, loosely connected to Alice in Wonderland, and appearing through the years as a series of pieces that migrate from performance-based multi-media theatre, video, gallery installations, to virtual reality environments. This film documents the history of the on-going project with excerpts from several of the works along with interviews with the artists and collaborators.

PLA(N)Tform – Growing, Sensing and Making Kin-Ship
Virtual BioSensing project group
Online exhibition of artistic biosensing experiments in virtual space and at BioDesign Lab HfG Karlsruhe

Live Performances in occasion of the AIxMusic Opening ceremony
Edmund Campion, CORAIL with Steve Adams of the Rova Saxophone Quartet, and Andrew Blanton, WAVEGUIDE, Claudia Hart, Edmund Campion
Edmund Campion, CORAIL with Steve Adams of the Rova Saxophone Quartet, and Andrew Blanton, WAVEGUIDE, Claudia Hart, Edmund Campion WAVEGUIDE - 2017 - percussion, distributed audio and electronics: Music composition and performance by Andrew Blanton Text by Yvette Granata Composition and software by Andrew Blanton Special thanks to Neal Riley for technical support. CORAIL - version 2020 - improvising saxophonist and interactive computer system: Composition and computer environment design by Edmund Campion, Director, CNMAT Tenor Saxophone by Steve Adams Software contributions by Manuel Poletti, Matthew Wright, Edmund Campion (and a host of others) This concert is being streamed live from the Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT) and made possible by CNMAT Researcher and Technical Director, Jeremy Wagner

Forest Garden Greenhouse Concert
Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits / RIXC with Platons Buravickis, Ivo Taurins, Lauris Smits, Daniel Hengst
Live concert for 'plants and people' from Riga, RIXC Fields Residency greenhouse.

Live Guided Tour to the Omora Park in Puerto Williams
Claudia Müller, Matías Labbé
The Omora program contains researchers and environmental philosophers who have developed the Sub- Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program, a methodology work divided into three areas.

On Art & Science Translations: From Natural Phenomena to Data Visualization
rancisco Aguirre, Ángeles Estévez, Inti Gonzalez, Matías Labbé, Claudia Müller, Jazmín Adler
In this round table, the authors of HEXA project discuss with glaciologists some ideas, challenges and methods involved in the translation of scientific data regarding Schiaparelli Glacier into visual and sound representations. The conversation focuses on how HEXA explores mathematical behaviours in nature from the convergence between artistic imaginaries and scientific research.

WATER (Hexa)
Claudia Müller & Matías Labbé (CL)
This axis exhibits a project developed by artists Claudia Müller and Matías Labbé, with glaciologist Francisco Aguirre and biologist Héctor Ortiz. Through images and sound, Hexa materializes a selection of data related to the retreat of the Schiaparelli Glacier, located in the Magallanes Region, such as fluctuations in energy, changes in water level, and speed of the ice flow.

Turbulent Flow: Chaos Theory and Camanchaca´s Behavior in Atacama Desert
Mauricio Lacrampette, Alejandro Jofré, Jazmín Adler
Nebula project, the chaotic inner geometry of camanchaca´s water droplets in motion unfolds a thorough investigation on mathematical notions, which may explain natural behaviours such as the dynamic of this very particular coastal fog.

Site specific performance in Alto Patache
Mauricio Lacrampette (CL), Sebastian Arriagada (CL)
We are taking advantage of the coincidence of the festival’s date with one of the best times of the year for observing camanchaca in abundance, to show the KMNCHK ScanLab functioning on-site and the multiple artefacts spread upon this particular landscape, used to monitor and harvest the cloud, such as weather stations, fog catchers and scientific settlements.

EARTH (Nebula)
Mauricio Lacrampette (CL), Sebastián Arriagada (CL)
This axis is represented by KMNCHK ScanLab, a landscape laboratory directed by Mauricio Lacrampette dedicated to exploring the camanchaca: a characteristic coastal fog of the northern dry region of Chile. The project presents fog-scans where the motile traces of water droplets become manifest, visualizing air turbulence and unveiling the dynamic, chaotic and ever-changing inner geometry of the cloud.

Life in Space: Philosophical Perspectives for the Future of (Para)Humanity
Roberto Campos, Gonzalo Díaz Letelier, Luis Guzmán, Jazmín Adler
This round table discussion highlights philosophical concepts and theories referred to life in space, simbiopolitics, ontological migration, and the envision of the new world to come.

Space Exploration at the Crossroads of Art and Astronomy
Marcos Díaz, Luis Guzmán, Nicole L`Huillier, Jazmín Adler
Space exploration, life in the Universe and the encounter with the unknown raise thought-provoking questions for both artistic and scientific fields. Throughout this conversation, artists Luis Guzmán and Nicole L´Huillier talk with scientist Marcos Díaz about the significance of fiction, speculation, hypothesis and error in their own work.

SPACE (Cosmoecology)
Luis Guzmán (CL)
This axis presents an art and science project by Luis Guzmán which consists of taking Phaeodactylum tricornutum diatoms (microalgae) to the International Space Station and subjecting them to Martian microgravity and zero gravity. The project has been part of Sojourner 2020 (MIT), the first ultraterrestrial museum of post- human art. In PRISMA´s garden, the artist presents the outcomes of his research after the Sojourner experience.

A Fungus Garden Manifesto (2020)
Museo del Hongo community
How would a fungus-only garden look like? A fungus garden Manifesto calls upon the local community of mycophiles that have collaborated within Museo del Hongo throughout its history. Converging perspectives from a variety of disciplines and research, in this round table we bring together ideas on how can we shape a sustainable, mycocentric future.

Rotten Body (2020)
Alexandra Mabes (CL), Nicolás Oyarce (CL), Ana Rosa Ibáñez (CL)
Dance installation inspired by the decomposing course of action which fungi encourages. The shape of the body is deformed through the materials to portray the transformation and reconfiguration of matter in the decay.

Mapu Kufüll
Sebastián Calfuqueo (CL)
Digital video installation that reflects on the cosmological perspective of the Mapuche people in relation to mushroom harvesting. The artist will showcase his recent investigation at Museo del Hongo through an animated ‘Tale’, portraying mushrooms as a symbol for resistance for their communities post the “Araucania Pacification” period.

Sun Sun (2020)
Konantü (Courtney Smith & Iván Navarro)
In these dark pandemic times, Sun Sun invites us to invoke the sun and its light through an interactive poetry game that defies syntax logics, imagining new ones under a limited series of 8 words and their mutual combinations. The exhibition includes a set of 64 cards to print and play at home, a selection of songs that are related to the sun and videos to demonstrate and exemplify how the game goes.

BIO AUSTRIA Bauernmarkt: Ökologie die schmeckt
Am 12. September präsentieren sich die Bäuerinnen und Bauern von BIO AUSTRIA mit ihren regionalen, einzigartigen Produkten in den Kepler`s Gardens.

The Role of Curator in the Digital Space
CADAF (The Contemporary and Digital Art Fair) (US)
This panel focuses on the various aspects of this complex medium including creation, collecting and exhibiting. Some of the mediums discussed include Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and others.

CALM #2 | Decomposition (2020)
José Bidegain (CL), Futuro Fósil (CL)
Performative installation that reconfigures the value of the parts that constitute us as a living ecosystem. From the micro-political action of the arts and the organic macro of the fungi kingdom, this transmedial live experience uses sound to create new perspectives for physical and spatial perception.