Ars Electronica Garden

Aalto Biofilia: A journey into the biological arts
Aalto University (FI)
Biofilia is a technical facility at Aalto University for studies in the biological arts as a fast-emerging area of interest that fits succinctly with STEAM approaches in artistic practice. It adopts transdisciplinary knowledge sharing to research and curriculum development to explore the intersection between biosciences, engineering and the arts.

STEAM Fellows in Conversation
Steve Harding (UK)
Meet Dr Steve Harding, coordinator of BCU’s STEAM Fellows Programme, as he talks with Mark Brill (Art, Design, Media), Kusminder Chahal (Business, Law, Social Sciences) and Tychonas Michailidis (Computing, Engineering, Built Environment) about their transdisciplinary projects and how they will help to stimulate engagement across the University.

Oh My, What Now?
David Gillette (US)
Dr David Gillette from California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo delivers the keynote presentation for First BCU International STEAM Conference on future-focused storytelling, interactive design and sustainable futures. Dr Gillette is founder and Co-Director of the Liberal Arts and Engineering Programme at Cal Poly.

CON- - -TACT is an improvised performance developed during the CINETic residency program, exploring the possibilities of remote contact.

Thinking Deeper with STEAM
Rehan Bhana (UK)
Explore connections between academia and industry, learning about our PhD Hub and how STEAM thinking can help businesses tackle challenges through developing deeper perspectives, with Rehan Bhana, Associate Professor at BCU.

Extending Reality: Introducing the Past, Present and Future of Immersive Media
Adam Paigge (UK)
Join STEAMhouse Extended Reality Technician Adam Paigge in his talk about XR, how this can support STEAM collaboration and the ways in which STEAMhouse is leading such approaches in the West Midlands.

Mapping Collaborative Practice
Denise Doyle (UK), Richard Glover (UK), Martin Khechara (UK), Christian Cherene (ES), Norma Deseke (DE), Pei-Ying Lin (TW), Miranda Graaf (NL), Giulia Tomasello (IT), Tommaso Busolo (IT)
Interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaften kann zu Spannungen und Unsicherheiten zwischen kreativen PartnerInnen mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund führen. Wie können wir diese Momente überwinden, und sind sie integraler Bestandteil eines jeden kollaborativen oder emergenten Prozesses? Welche Rolle spielt die Zusammenarbeit von Kunst und Wissenschaft bei der Bewältigung der globalen Herausforderungen im Jahr 2020? Unter dem Vorsitz von Richter Glover und Martin Khechara nehmen TeilnehmerInnen und ForscherInnen des Forschungsprojekts STARTS Methodologies der University of Wolverhampton an diesem digitalen Ideenaustausch teil.

STARTS Prize Exhibition Tour
Die jährliche STARTS Prize Exhibition präsentiert eine Auswahl von aktuellen Best-Practice-Beispielen an der Schnittstelle von Wissenschaft, Technologie und Kunst. Kristina Maurer und Karla Spiluttini nehmen die Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer mit auf eine Reise durch die diesjährigen ausgestellten Projekte in Kepler’s Garden. Von zirkulärer Ökonomie über die Beziehung zwischen Ökologie und Technologie bis hin zu digitalem Humanismus und empathischen Ansätzen der künstlichen Intelligenz zeigt die Ausstellung die herausragende Vielfalt der künstlerischen Praxis im Bereich STARTS.

Building Interdisciplinary Communities
Deborah Hustic (HR)
Hear from Deborah Hustic, Artistic Director at Radiona makerspace in Zagreb, Croatia, as she outlines her work in STEAM, making and creative investigation.

First BCU International STEAM Conference
STEAMhouse, Birmingham City University (UK)
Aimed at all those curious about cross-disciplinary thinking, researchers, innovators, industrial leaders, artists, scientists, technologists, engineers, mathematicians and those not bounded by their sectors, joined the First BCU International STEAM Conference in July 2020.

sound:frame & Pausanio virtual – Area for Virtual Art
sound:frame / Eva Fischer (AT), Marijn Bril (NL), Angie Pohl (AT)
sound:frame together with Pausanio presents the Area for Virtual Art – an online platform for digital art and virtual formats. Discover current artistic approaches in virtual exhibitions and meet people in discussion programs and live events to exchange thoughts and create new ideas and concepts. The Area for Virtual Art develops into an international hub, giving a platform to current digital art forms and connecting people all over the world.

STEAMhouse: Make to Innovate
Clayton Shaw (UK), James Hannam (UK)
In this presentation from the First BCU International STEAM Conference you will learn about STEAMhouse, BCU’s centre for collaborative innovation, through an introductory talk from Programme Manager Clayton Shaw and Prototyping & Operations Manager James Hannam.

Virtual students’ exhibition “Hopes & Slopes”
VDA PhAMA (Department of Photography and Media Art at Vilnius Academy of Arts)
Made during the most intensive quarantine period works by artists from the youngest generation rethink isolation, solitude, remoteness, trauma and translate them into visual and aural vibes. All these artists are studying Animation or Photography and Media Art (PhAMA) at Vilnius Academy of Arts. - An exhibition by a group of young artists titled Hopes & Slopes is a place for a safe walk among what has fallen out a few months back.

Open Studios of LTMKS/ artists
Akvilė Anglickaitė, Tomas Daukša, Saulius Leonavičius, Tomas Martišauskis, Emilija Škarnulytė and others
Artists of Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association open up their working studios and invite to explore contexts of heterotopias, technological mythologies, structured commonism, hybridised beings.

Rethinking alive as material
Rūta Spelskytė (LT)
The toolkit is designed to rethink alive as material. To think of the ways we can use nature, create tools out of it, imagine or train plant and animal features, construct their development in the future, and on the other hand – how to take a moment to stop and just appreciate it.

The Birth of Venus
Brigita Kasperaitė (DE/LT)
While in the past electroconvulsive therapy was used in very questionable ways, we can admit one thing, the reality is questionable in itself. And while the artist Brigita Kasperaitė explores the natural and synthetic ways of electrical discharges and how they might affect the surroundings, she is also interested in knowing and experiencing that electricity is everywhere - as well as our bodies.

Multi-eyed creature navigating and traversing the grove
PhAMA/ FAMM department at Vilnius Academy of Arts (LT)
AE Garden Vilnius Mozilla Hub hosts directed multiangle and XR Live Experience of the Garden where around 10 live events and usual grove life are happening in numerous spaces inside and outside and dozen cameras are directed by humans, animals and plants. You can navigate through busy culture events or find your calm spot to enjoy the life of nature.

Experiencing lives
Mindaugas Gapševičius (DE/LT), Brigita Kasperaitė (DE/LT), Rūta Spelskytė (LT), Auksė Gaižauskaitė (LT)
The artist talk raises the question of collaboration between different species. It will start with a presentation of three projects: two toolkits for experimenting with living organisms and a conversation about microorganisms and their hosts. The artist talk is hosted by the Alt lab, a non-disciplinary research laboratory dedicated to artistic-scientific research and implementation of interdisciplinary projects.

Barbara Ungepflegt (AT), Elsbeth Wallnöfer (IT)
Since December 2017 Barbara Ungepflegt has been Minister for Homelandtrash and International Affairs. Ungepflegt considers urgent measures to preserve the constantly disappearing homeland dirt until it is too late for Team Austria, animals and dumplings. In cooperation with Elsbeth Wallnöfer, chairwoman in the home country, the Minister will present in detail the program of DIRTY LIVES BETTER at the 2020 Ars Electronica Festival.

Dialogue#4 – shifting perspectives
HKU University Of The Arts Utrecht (NL)
In Dialogue#4 we talk about shifting perspectives. With several artists involved in the exhibition we discuss the aspect of “reality” and in what way art should contribute to a broader perspective on reality. Things we take for granted are maybe not what they seem, or at least there is another way of looking at them. When looking at it this way then there is no fake news as it is just another perception of reality. In a world fixed on maintaining certainty, and thus one perspective as the truth, how can artists fight against this narrow minded view on reality?