
LIT Law Lab, Johannes Kepler Universität (AT)
Vom „gläsernen Bürger“ und „Social Scoring“, über KI-gestützte Wahrheitsfindung im Gerichtssaal, bis zum maschinell erstellten Bescheid: Die Digitalisierung der Verwaltung und der Gerichtsbarkeit kennt viele Facetten. Sie bedarf nicht nur einer Betrachtung des technisch Möglichen, sondern auch des rechtlich Erlaubten und rechtspolitisch Gewollten. Vor diesem Hintergrund widmet sich das LIT Law Lab mit zwei Installationen den (grund- und datenschutz-) rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen, Problemen einer sowie Lösungsvorschlägen für eine digitalisierten Vollziehung.

Performance Workshop: Enacting Innovation
Judith Igelsböck (AT), Friedrich Kirschner (DE), Sarah Buser (CH), Mónica Rikić (ES), Leoni Voegelin (CH), Tomás Montes Massa (CL), Laura Zoelzer (DE)
Die partizipative Inszenierung "Enacting Innovation" setzt sich mit dem sozio-materiellen Gefüge auseinander, das gegenwärtige Innovationspraktiken umgibt.

Planting a Resort for Mental Ecology
MPLab – Liepāja University Art Research Laboratory (LV)
People of Liepāja know very well that a garden is essential – without planting a park along the coast, the little seaside town would be consumed by sand, wind and water. The roots of trees keep the structure of the dunes stable, and people of Liepāja can retreat from the everyday struggles and storms in a safe garden environment.

Finding Amir / From Jerusalem to the Judaea Desert, Israel
Musrara, the Naggar School of Art and Society (IL)
The day that Covid19 sent us all into isolation, Amir Meir, a member of the Musrara Sonic Art Research Group׳ announced he was going to spend the quarantine in one of the many caves in the Judean Desert near Jerusalem and disappeared ever since. With the aid of space and sound illusions practices, the film "Finding Amir" tries to touch on the in-depth questions about the imagined realities that lie behind the walls of digital and symbolic representation.

Pendulum Garden
Parque de las Ciencias (ES)
The Pendulum consists of 17 pendulums of different lengths and colors which represents the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It aims to make society aware of the importance of achieving them by 2030. In this way, science and art come together to spread the importance of acting globally to achieve equality among people, protect the planet and ensure prosperity as part of the new sustainable development agenda.

Sensory Orders
ŁAŹNIA Centre for Contemporary Art (PL)
The Ars Electronica Garden Gdańsk, hosted by ŁAŹNIA Contemporary Art Centre, features Sensory Orders, a project examining the different orders of sensemaking taking place under our (current) conditions of extreme precariousness and uncertainty.

Chronicles of an Art and Science Collaboration, Otaniemi-Espoo, Finland
Aalto University (FI)
The project highlights the use of autoethnographic narrative as tool for artistic and design research. It brings together self-reflections from three scientists who participated in an art and science collaboration dealing with the use of bio-cellulose for art and design purposes. Through their stories we learn about what inspired them to follow careers in science and how the making of a contribution to sustainability and the good of humankind sustains their work objectives.

A glimpse into the cultural capital program
European Capital of Culture Esch2022 (LU)

The Night Sky: Unveiling What Only the Dark Reveals
Open Science Hub - Portugal, Municipality of Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo (PT)
Open Science Hub - Portugal (OSHub-PT; Plataforma de Ciência Aberta) is a social innovation project that brings together science, technology and innovation with the daily life of local and regional communities, supporting schools and societal actors in tackling local relevant challenges. It is a project of the Municipality of Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo, in collaboration with Leiden University.

Achaeoscillator_Towards incorporeal forms of sensing listening and gaze
Terra Australis Ignota Research Group (CL) with Santiago Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC)
Achæoscillator displays the drastic weather conditions of the southernmost island in the world on a virtualized representation of the end/beginning of the Americas. A one-person experience, where the research presents traces and connections between the ancestors of the Yagán community, the Kawesqar and Selk’nam and the Antarctic, Scotia and South America continental plates, offering an inestimable and uncontrollable source of Gaia's power.

Cairotronica (EG)
WE ARE DATA came as a response to a rising responsibility placed on "technology" as a tool which facilitates inclusive development and solutions to many challenges currently facing cities like Cairo. This, in turn, raises questions about security, privacy, accountability, bias, agency, transparency, and ethics among many others. Through the We Are Data fellowship, we wanted to encourage dialogue on the complexity of technology and data from the perspective of 6 Egyptian artists.

Art and Nanotechnology
gnration (PT) and INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Institute (PT / EU)
gnration presents a virtual tour of The Invention of Sense by Marcel Weber. The exhibition explores extrasensory perception and a new sensuality. In the featured works, as well as in their presentation, Sensing, Discovering and Exciting are discussed, stimulated and elevated. The exhibition takes the premise further by extending the established restrictions of gallery space and turning the room itself into a medium and a stimulating, visceral experience.

art+science lab
Center for the Promotion of Science – CPN (RS)
The central segment of the Belgrade Garden is the premiere of the winning artwork from the national art+science selection for 2020. Digital Prayer by Kristina Tica uses ML techniques for establishing a connection between the canonical structure of an Orthodox icon and the image artificially generated by a computer program. The Garden will also host a musical performance I Sit and Worry About Her by Jasna Jovicevic (winner of the national selection in 2019), based on sonification of brain waves. Both works came out as results of interdisciplinary dialogues and an intensive scientific mentorship/residency program facilitated by CPN at principal national research centers.

Real Feelings. Emotion and Technology
HeK (House of Electronic Arts Basel) (CH)
Emotions are at the core of human experience. They influence every aspect of our lives and shape our social behaviour. In the 21st century, technology has started to engage with emotions like never before. The international group show at HeK presents works by 20 artists ―in mediums ranging from artificial intelligence, interactive installations, robotics and biometrics to gaming, video installations and virtual reality by 20 artists― that explore how technology can assess and trigger our emotions.

Solar Orchard Garden
ESPRONCEDA - Institute of Art & Culture (ES), MIRA Festival (ES), Insitute Ramon Llull (ES), Helsinki XR Center (FI), ./studio3, Institut for Experimental Architecture (AT), MEET Digital Culture Center (IT), UCA (UK)
The Solar Orchard Garden is a complex system that activates the curiosity of visitors / participants by play with two complementary concepts: quintessence, the fifth element of alchemy, and the Gaia Hypothesis, which looks at Earth as a self-regulated complex system.

Welcome to spaceEU Linz
Ars Electronica (AT)
Ars Electronica has a long history of working with space related content and narratives. The EU project spaceEU allowed them to open new collaborations on a European level. Together with eleven organizations, Ars Electronica developed and produced a wide range of space engagement activities addressing youth, families and teachers.

Fulldome / VR & AR Lab
Martin Kusch, Director ǀ Fulldome / VR & AR Lab, Ruth Schnell, Head Department of Digital Arts, University of Applied Arts Vienna (AT)
Das Fulldome/VR & AR Lab an der Abteilung für Digitale Kunst der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien ist eine Plattform für neue kreative Prozesse mit einem Schwerpunkt auf digitalen Anwendungen für Fulldome-, VR- und AR-Umgebungen. Experimentelle Forschungsprojekte werden im interdisziplinären Austausch zwischen Studierenden, Lehrenden und Forschern durchgeführt, die an der Entwicklung neuer künstlerischer Grammatiken arbeiten und dabei den Einfluss immersiver Geräte hinterfragen. Der ‘Dome’ der Ars Electronica ist Teil der Infrastruktur des Labors.