Interactive Art

On Code. The Uncertainty Of Meaning And Doing
Lina Bautista (CO), Daniel Moreno Roldán (ES), Agnès Pe (ES), Ángel Faraldo (ES), Carolina Jiménez (ES), Lluís Nacenta (ES)
ROUNDTABLE: How does code interfere with the listening process? Code allows the ear to navigate the listening interface, while it happens to narrow its sensitive scope. It crosses the interface, the membrane which separates but also connects, unfolding the vibration of the air, the zone of inter/intra-action, negotiation and distribution of attention and meanings, between the (dis)orders of the emitted and the heard sounds.

Facing Uncertainty and Its Discontents
Pau Alsina (ES), Roc Parés (ES/MX), Marina Garcés (ES), Joan Soler-Adillon (ES), Tere Badia (ES), Pau Waelder (ES).
ROUNDTABLE: While we get used to dealing with those events in which the probability of a certain situation occurring is not known: what does it mean to live in a context of uncertainty? How to take the risk of uncertainty and try to slide their gains? How arts, sciences, technologies and thought have learned from it and propelled their practices of uncertainty?

Acquired Immunity - Guided Tours
Guided tours of the exhibition by the curator, Marta de Menezes, an artist, Adam Zaretsky, and an immunologist, Luis Graca, will provide different paths within the real and virtual spaces.

Acquired Immunity Guided Tour 1 - with live Q&A
Marta de Menezes
This episode features a guided tour of the exhibition by curator Marta de Menezes, followed by a live Q&A.

Acquired Immunity Guided Tour 2 - with live Q&A
Adam Zaretsky
This episode features a guided tour of the exhibition by invited artist Adam Zaretsky, followed by a live Q&A.

Acquired Immunity Guided Tour 3 - with live Q&A
Luis Graça
This episode features a guided tour of the exhibition by immunologist Luis Graça, followed by a live Q&A.

An Uncertain but Irresistible Revolution
Héctor Ayuso (ES) with Carla Cascales Alimbau (ES), Xavi Cardona / Boldtron (ES), Enric Godes / Vasava (ES
ROUNDTABLE: In a technological world in which the present has eternalized and the oblivion is the security of the next innovation, what we call reality is a magma in which floats an endless number of images, data, pieces of information, flashbacks and promises of liberation. This fact requires us to find other rules, other ways of reading and new ways of looking through unexpected paths.

MoneyLab#8 | Minting a Fair Society
MoneyLab explores the imaginaries of artists, researchers, activists and geeks in search of other possible economies, and urgently interrogates a different financial discourse. Can we use technology critically to support alternative values of cooperation and “commoning” in a world dominated by individualism and competition?

Third Garden
Third Garden is an online art exhibition space where gardeners of the Third Life experiment with virtual explorers (AKA viewers) based on AR technology. Third Garden shows the research of interactive "play" with visitors that players (AKA artists) in the real world have been contemplating and studying in the web garden of the Third Life. Participating artists share the progress and result (artwork) of creation in the Third Garden.

collectiveMemories – A Virtual Memory Landscape to which the Audience can Contribute
The Culture Yard (DK), CLICK (DK)
collectiveMemories explore the memories that are stored in our bodies through artificial intelligence. It is a virtual piece that turns the participants’ living room into an interactive space where participants can explore their own and other peoples’ memories and contribute to a growing virtual archive of memories.

COVID-19 AI Battle
The Culture Yard (DK), CLICK (DK)
An AI battle between Donald Trump and the WHO, where two politically biased AIs challenge each other and the audience about the “right” interpretation of “reality”. Accessible through the internet, this artwork consists of two artificially intelligent algorithms, which discuss COVID-19 in real-time.

Online Dialogue with the AI from SH4D0W
The Culture Yard (DK), CLICK (DK)
The audience will be able to have a direct online dialogue/chat with the AI from the SH4D0W performance, which will answer with a humanized voice.

SH4D0W Immersive AI Experience in the 4D Box (3D Hologram Technology)
The Culture Yard (DK), CLICK (DK)
The immersive experience SH4D0W takes place online in the hologram 4D box. The audience will engage in a live dialogue with a performer and an artificial intelligence about sharing and harvesting memories.

!brute_force: Feeding the Algorithm / AI LAB Journey
Maja Smrekar (SI)
Responding to the coronavirus pandemic, the !brute_force project focuses on the future of market-driven diagnostic wearables and AI-based health monitoring technologies. A human and dog performer climb through an installation of platforms and empty spaces. Both wear Electrocardiograph ECG/EKG diagnostic wearables, used for the medical monitoring of chronic heart and respiratory conditions.

!brute_force: Workflow Reflections – Panel
Speakers: Alen Balja (SI/CH), Martí Sànchez-Fibla (ES), Maja Smrekar (SI), Tina Šolar (SI), Mia Zahariaš (SI), Moderation: Tatiana Kourochkina (RU)
Responding to the coronavirus pandemic, the !brute_force project focuses on the future of market-driven diagnostic wearables and AI-based health monitoring technologies. A human and dog performer climb through an installation of platforms and empty spaces. Both wear Electrocardiograph ECG/EKG diagnostic wearables, used for the medical monitoring of chronic heart and respiratory conditions.

From Art to Innovation: Do They Really Need Us?
Gašper Beg (SI), Luka Frelih (SI), Miha Horvat (SI), Janez Janša (SI), Jurij Krpan (SI), Marko Peljhan (SI/US), Irena Pivka (SI), Marko Pritržnik (SI), Peter Purg (SI)
Despite the widely embraced opinion that involving artists and creatives in innovation processes contributes to better results, very few research and development platforms are employing artists or art thinking in their innovation teams. Die talk's participants will discuss the challenges for artists, scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs stemming from essentially non-existing collaborative/open innovations.

Baukasten der Zukunft
Louise Amcha (AT), Hannah Ertl (AT), Leonid Stanislav Lang (AT) und Marlene Urban (AT)
Der Baukasten der Zukunft ist ein interaktives Gedankenexperiment einer jungen Künstler*innen-Gruppe. Das Projekt besteht aus einem großen, einladenden Holzmodell einer Landschaft, in welcher die Besucher*innen ihre eigene Stadt planen können. Ergänzend dazu baut ein Computerprogramm per Knopfdruck unter denselben Bedingungen auch eine Version einer Stadt. Anschließend gilt zu bewerten, welche Vor- und Nachteile jede Version mit sich bringt und welche Lösung die beste für unsere Zukunft wäre.

Garlic Med.Eat.Ation
Jennifer Katanyoutanant (US/TH), Grace Cong Xin Wong - Art Farm (US/HK), Zden Brungot Svíteková (SK)
The first chapter in our continuing Remote Intimacy series, Garlic Med. Eat. Ation creates sensory solidarity by exploring how intimacy can be shared remotely/virtually through touch and taste. Please bring a clove of garlic to experience the exhibit.

Rebecca Merlic - The City as a House
VENT gallery (AT)
Vast amounts of pictures, sounds, videos and 3D scans are organized as environments in Rebecca Merlic’s The City as a House, in form of an interactive visual novel. A work about the experiment of a white European 30-year-old heterosexual human living in Tokyo without inhabiting a private apartment over a period of time. A speculative exploration of the possibilities of abolishing known forms of habitation.

Gnawa Machine
Camel Zekri (FR), Marc Chemillier (FR)
Die Herausforderung von Gnawa Machine besteht darin, den Computer in einen bestimmten kulturellen Kontext zu integrieren, nämlich in den der Gnawa-Bruderschaft in Nordafrika, der Camel Zekri angehört.