Emergence & Convergence: An Online Guided Tour

PHI is thrilled to present an online guided tour of Emergence & Convergence, the PHI Centre’s current exhibition in Montreal. Emergence & Convergence is an invitation to immerse ourselves completely in the works. This exhibition investigates our humanity in relationship with our planet and all living beings.

better off online. World Wide Webb. Curated by Anika Meier
KÖNIG GALERIE - Berlin / Tokyo / London / Digital

World Wide Webb by the British artist Thomas Webb is a virtual world the digital visitor enters through the browser on a smartphone. It is a multiplayer video game, a digital exhibition space and a world full of art and characters the visitor is invited to interact with. Webb recreates the social spontaneity of the world pre-Covid-19. He built a virtual world for new media artists to share their thoughts on what technology is and could be. The visitor meets AI avatars designed by Webb, to reflect the human nature and to question the use of technology in the digital age. Net art is presented in its genuine medium, the digital realm, where video art is also easily accessible.

The Woman-Machine: Performance
Félicia Atkinson (FR)

Watch this performance on the Livestream.

The Woman-Machine: Panel II
Aude Bernheim, Sophie Sakka

The second day of “The Woman-Machine” will feature panels from with Aude Bernheim on AI and ethics and Sophie Sakka on therapeutic robots and autism.

The Woman-Machine: Panel I
Clotilde Chevet, Oulimata Gueye

On Firday the event “The Woman-Machine” will start with talks from Clotilde Chevret about AI and gender, followed by another panel with Oulimata Gueye on afrocyberfeminism.

Real Feelings – A talk on Survival with Lucy McRae and Angelique Spaninks
Lucy McRae (GB), Angelique Spaninks (NL)

Sci Fi Artist and Body Architect Lucy McRae in conversation with the curators behind the exhibition Real Feelings. Her new work Solitary Survival Raft, shown at HeK, is an inflatable, reactive, breathing sculpture, inviting visitors to crawl into it for safety. The outbreak of Covid-19 has made our digitalized societies evade the human touch even more. Going against the idea of a future without being touched, McRae builds machines that gently embrace and hold the body.

Real Feelings – A Talk on Vibes with Lauren Lee McCarthy, Kyle McDonald and Ariane Koek
Lauren Lee McCarthy (US), Kyle McDonald (US), Ariane Koek (GB)

Sabine Himmelsbach, Ariane Koek and Angelique Spaninks, the curators behind the exhibition Real Feelings at HeK Basel in conversation with the American artist Lauren Lee McCarthy. This Artist Talk allows insights into the work of a highly interesting and relevant artist, examining social relationships in the midst of surveillance, automation and algorithmic living. Her interactive installation Vibe Check, especially commissioned for the exhibition at HeK, consists of a series of cameras capturing and analyzing the visitors emotional reactions to each other, ultimately presenting the results to them individually.

Real Feelings – A Virtual Exhibition Tour with curator Sabine Himmelsbach
Sabine Himmelsbach (DE)

Co-curator Sabine Himmelsbach will digitally guide you through the international group show Real Feelings at HeK Basel, to present work by 20 artists in mediums ranging from artificial intelligence, interactive installations, robotics and biometrics, to gaming, video installations, virtual reality and photography. The shown works examine how technology can capture, evaluate or generate our emotions in a variety of ways. Find out more about the artistic and curatorial choices that determined the installation and set design of the exhibition.

Newcastle Garden CQC Session 2: The invisible and inner Ecology
Louisa Magrics (AU), Andrew Lloyd (AU)

This session will address themes of nuclear medicine, epidemiology, biological art and nano art. How can artists play an important role in making the invisible visible?

Newcastle Garden CQC Session 1: Re-indigeni(z)ing Ecology
Rewa Wright (NZ), Daryn McKenny (AU)

The first CQC session kicks off with important indigenous perspectives on ecology past, present and future. Traditional knowledge and stories are not locked in the past, but have the power to inform present and future ways of living. What perspectives and approaches can indigenous knowledge offer the planet as we move toward the future?

Collective Curated Exhibtions I: On the Road, Young Media Artists in China

A collaborative project between SCm/CityU HK and Guan Shang Yue Museum of Art, Shenzhen, presenting 50 installations by 35 artists; which involved 15 curators, art critics and scholars from China and Hong Kong. It provided an overview of the media art scene across China today, and demonstrated how young Chinese artists are exploring and combining both older and ‘newer’ media to new ends.

Ars Electronicas Garden Newcastle: We Guide You Tour
University of Newcastle (AU), FASTLab (AU), Art Thinking Australia (AU)

A tour of the Ars Electronica Garden Newcastle that focuses on the overarching theme of Ecology that spans both the natural and artificial world. Inspired by the Ars Electronica We Guide You format, the tour also provides a unique lens into the Newcastle culture.

Opening of Ars Electronica Garden Newcastle
University of Newcastle (AU), FASTLab (AU), Art Thinking Australia (AU)

Official opening of BIOMES & Ars Electronica Newcastle Garden 2020.

The Traveling Plant Video Tour
Annick Bureaud (FR); Tatiana Kourochkina (ES/RU); Marta de Menezes (PT); Claudia Schnugg (AT); Robertina Šebjanič (SI), Michael Marder (ES)

In a short video, the Seeds organizations, curators and artists, joined by special guests, present the project, with its different routes and hopes, to the public and the imaginary plant itself, through a tour of an Italian garden, an underwater garden, a hydroponic greenhouse, and more.

The Traveling Plant – Preparatory Log Book

A collective compilation of recommendatons and advice from people who, in the spirit of hosting, are asked to tell the plant what she may expect to discover and experience in her voyage, and what and whom she may encounter. Invited contributors and open contributions worldwide. A selection of the contributions will be published in an online PDF publication.

Diving into an Acidifying Ocean
Cristina Tarquini (IT/FR)

As part of Heartbeat of the Earth, a series of online interactive artworks interpreting climate data, digital artist Cristina Tarquini invites us to dive into our acidifying oceans using data from NOAA. Cristina Tarquini (IT) created an interactive data visualisation, inviting you to dive into the ocean and explore the impact of rising temperatures & in turn rising CO2 levels on marine life, over time.

Diving into an Acidifying Ocean – Q&A
Cristina Tarquini (IT/FR), Frédéric Gazeau (FR) & Freya Murray (UK)

Join the Q&A with the artist who created the online experiment and the scientist who advised her.

Science Gallery Network (INT)

The Science Gallery Garden at the Ars Electronica Festival will explore trust, technology, global challenges, arts innovation and new forms of digital storytelling. A showcase from the world’s only university network dedicated to public engagement with science and art, it will feature interactive workshops, experimental audio and visual experiences, livestreamed events and a specially-curated digital archive.

Acquired Immunity. Art and Biology at Cultivamos Cultura

The Microdocumentaries and Q&A of Acquired Immunity art and biology at Cultivamos Cultura

Acquired Immunity Exhibition

Acquired immunity displays artworks arising from our residencies and invited artists. We bring together artworks that were created as a response to challenges from the local environment: natural, social, and other artists. A response that we compare to the way the immune system responds to new challenges.