Ars Electronica Garden

Wellbeing in Extreme Environment
Maggie Coblentz
How do we adapt to extreme conditions and how we care for each other? In the time of pandemic and isolation, can we learn from astronauts and people who have lived through hardships?

# MemóriasCOVID-19
The online platform # MemóriasCOVID-19 will be presented and promoted by the teachers Ana Carolina de Moura Delfim Maciel and Ana Gonçalves Magalhães, focusing on the concept of the Platform itself and its curatorial processes.

Lucy McRae, Natasha Greenhalgh, Dr Niels Wouters
Biometric Mirror is an immersive and at times controversial installation that blends the act of casually glancing at one’s reflection with modern algorithmic perspectives on facial perfection. The artwork explores the accuracy and flaws of artificial intelligence and the ‘uncanny valley’ of algorithmic perfection and its potential black mirror outcomes.

Artist Talk: Natural Glitch
Kasia Molga (PL/UK), Ivan Henriques (BR/NL)
Live Stream Artist Talk

Lichen Kelp, Jessie French
A two-part workshop series by the Seaweed Appreciation Society International that invites you on a field trip to another world - an alternate seaweed reality, where edible algae bioplastics are mixed up alongside refreshing seaweed cocktails. By speculating on a radically sustainable seaweed future, we will be asking if biomutualism can play a part in our everyday lives in the future. A radical sustainable seaweed intervention has never felt more urgent.

Live Performance: Augmented Empathy
Live-streamed public outdoor performance

Instagram Tour: And Say the Animal Responded
Our current exhibition presents work by six international artists who have captured animal voices and gestures through the use of human technology.

Could an insect, human and android communicate through dance?
Prue Lang, Mathieu Briand, Mark Elgar and Alicia Sometimes
Join choreographer Prue Lang, artist Mathieu Briand and evolutionary ecologist Prof Mark Elgar as they discuss their journey with phasmids and BODY / INSECT / MACHINE, a work that explores the body/androids/artificial movement/intelligence on the one side and the body/human instinct/natural movement/nature on the other.

Prue Lang, Mathieu Briand
BODY/ INSECT /MACHINE is a movement experiment between Prue Lang’s choreography, artist Mathieu Briand’s androids and a Phasmid (stick insect). The work explores the body/androids/artificial movement/intelligence on the one side and the body/human instinct/natural movement/nature on the other.

Live Panel: On Roots and Fruits
This panel is a collection of talks from some of the founding members of FEMeeting regarding the impact of the conferences and other community activities, as well as their perspective on the future development of women in art, science and technology.

FEMeeting Seeds
The seeds of our garden, the aromatic herbs and giant sequoias growing within FEMeeting the year throughout, are the members of our worldwide community. This part of our garden’s program includes video testimonies, images and sounds expressing the character and souls of some of the extraordinary women working today in art, science and technology.

Oribokit: Gardening for Robots
Matthew Gardiner (AU)
Robotic Origami Workshop with Matthew Gardiner. ’Oribokit: Gardening for Robots‘ introduces a new artscience kit by Ars Electronica Futurelab researcher Matthew Gardiner. The kit allows you to make your own robotic garden at home. The assembled kit grafts onto a tree branch and is designed to minimise material usage and maximise modular recyclability for robotic origami applications. Kits include 1,2 or 3 oribotic blossoms featuring easy-to-fold laser-cut paper, servo motors, drive wires, and Arduino compatible STM32 microcontroller plus open-source firmware.

Beside the Nibelungen bridge / Neben der Nibelungenbrucke
Matthew Gardiner (AU)
Festival, late, Golden Nicas delivered. A mixed hoard spill into Linz; eclectic electric musicians chattering in nihongo, intro-and-extro-verted artists and friends not seen for an age for the tyranny of distance. Drawn involuntarily to places warmer and happier than Hans in Glück, to a lone Würstlstand in Linz. Perhaps beside the Linzer Nibelungenbrucke.

Terra Australis Ignota Research Group Round Table
A Conversation between the different areas involved in the Terra Australis Ignota project. Nicolas Spencer, Artist and Director of Terra Australis Ignota project Víctor Mazón Gardoqui, Researcher and artist Alfredo Prieto Iglesias, Archaeologist and researcher at University of Magallanes Gerd Sielfeld, Geologist and scientist council of Prisma Austral Foundation Paula López Wood, Writer and travel Journalist Alessandra Burotto, Curator of Museum of Contemporary Art Catalina Montero, Producer of Terra Australis Ignota project and talk moderator

FEM Books
FEMeeting 2020 Garden has its own reading corners where you can find more information about the conferences and other meetings. Check out the abstracts for a concise idea on the rich variety of topics researched by the participants of FEMeeting gatherings.

Without water: between life and death
Shashi Thutupalli , biologist
Biologist Shashi Thutupalli questions our understanding of life and death in his Confluence lecture. His lecture is based on his exhibit FrankenShrimp where dehydrated brine shrimp remain dormant until they are placed in water. Once in water, they begin their life processes. He speaks about how cells in living beings need to be in a liquid state to be active, highlighting the importance of water in life sustaining processes.

A trip to the island
Alessandra Burotto (CL) / Paula Lopez Wood (CL) /Víctor Mazón Gardoqui (ES/DE) / Alfredo Prieto (CL) / Gerd Sielfeld (CL) / Nicolas Spencer (CL/AT) / Terra Ignota
An artistic, geological, archaeological and historical research trip into the southernmost continental island in the world before Antarctic; Cape Horn.

New Frontiers in Water Science
Veena Srinivasan, water researcher
In her Confluence lecture, water researcher Veena Srinivasan calls for a new approach to science that is problem driven, interdisciplinary and grounded in real-world questions. She presents three examples to illustrate why we must consider anthropologic changes in this new approach. She addressed the case of disappearing surface water in the Upper Arkavathy watershed near Bengaluru, the impact of droughts on Chennai and questions whether tree planting is good or bad for streams.

FEMeeting WEB 2020
set of short videos and audio podcasts

Víctor Mazón Gardoqui (ES/DE), Nicolas Spencer (CL/AT)
Achæoscillator displays the drastic weather conditions of the southernmost island in the world on a virtualized representation of the end/beginning of the Americas. A one-person experience, where the research presents traces and connections between the ancestors of the Yagán community, the Kawesqar and Selk’nam and the Antarctic, Scotia and South America continental plates, offering an inestimable and uncontrollable source of Gaia's power.