Ars Electronica Garden

Solo Exhibition I: Jeffrey Shaw – WYSIWYG
Jeffrey Shaw (AU//HK)
A major retrospective of Shaw’s classic and new artworks. The show spans the prolific career of the Visionary Pioneer of Media Art (Golden Nica 2018).

Refik Anadol (TR/US), MoBen / CityU HK
DïaloG is an urban media art installation developed by Maurice Benayoun (MoBen/CityU HK) and Refik Anadol (AnalogNative). In the public space (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain) two “living” entities face each other. They don’t look like the living beings we know. They don’t speak any language we know. They are aliens, strangers, immigrants. Facing each other they gradually mutate. They seem to react to their environment. Even more, they clearly desperately try to understand each other.

Can we do the same with less - AI in 64 Kb
Philippe Esling (FR)
This hands-on workshop for the AIxMusic Hackathon by Philippe Esling (FR) introduces techniques for lightweight AI, demonstration of embedded technologies and a 64 Kb competition for an AIxMusic hackathon project challenging the current limits of AI and inspired by the Demoscene and the 64Kb competitions.

AI Creative Agents: The Man I Love
Hervé Sellin (FR), Remi Fox (FR)
The Musical Representations team in the STMS laboratory at IRCAM is working on "cyber-human" systems. Just as cyber-physical systems create a continuity between the digital logic of computers and the physical world by capturing, modeling, and modifying it, they establish a creative continuity between machines and musicians using mathematical modeling and artificial intelligence.

Hong Kong Escape Views
Maurice Benayoun (FR/HK)
Hong Kong Escape Views, Interactive installation, 360 videos. High-Res video panoramas of Hong Kong reveal the unseen.

Little Etudes for Piano
Elaine Chew (US/GB)
Little Etudes is a series of short piano pieces based on cardiac electrical anomalies. Aberrant electrical activity in the heart can cause the heart to beat irregularly. Abnormal heart rhythms form interesting musical patterns, which raises the question of whether all natural-sounding musical rhythms have a physiological basis.

Three Ladies Project
Georges Bloch (FR)
Billie Holiday, Édith Piaf and Elisabeth Schwarzkopf are three great ladies of music, born in 1915. Could we make them sing together? This was the subject of a performance conceived for the music festival Le pietre che cantano in L'Aquila (Italy) in 2015. Using DYCI2Lib software, the three ladies finally sing The Man I Love together. ImproteK, the earlier version of DYCI2Lib, already made it possible to intelligently link the harmony of the base material used (called "memories") to the harmonic progression of the reference song (called "scenario").

Talk: Frontiers of Music and Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence plays an increasingly prominent role in music composition, performance, and production. How does this benefit or undermine musicians? Where are such developments taking us? Two young protagonists at the leading edge of AIxMusic will debate the limits and future directions of AIxMusic, tackling topics ranging from classic questions of AI takeover to therapeutic and gaming applications to discussions of lightweight deep AI, of uncertainty and unknown models and dimensions.

Talk: Musical Generativities (Facilitated by H.Vinet)
Techniques for the automatic generation of music – which have long been focused on systems ruling the score – are now being deployed at all levels of sound representation: signal, gesture, symbol, form. Sound synthesis using deep networks constitutes a radical break with conventional modelling approaches. How do composers handle these emerging possibilities?

The Traveling Plant Video Tour
Annick Bureaud (FR); Tatiana Kourochkina (ES/RU); Marta de Menezes (PT); Claudia Schnugg (AT); Robertina Šebjanič (SI), Michael Marder (ES)
In a short video, the Seeds organizations, curators and artists, joined by special guests, present the project, with its different routes and hopes, to the public and the imaginary plant itself, through a tour of an Italian garden, an underwater garden, a hydroponic greenhouse, and more.

The Traveling Plant – Preparatory Log Book
A collective compilation of recommendatons and advice from people who, in the spirit of hosting, are asked to tell the plant what she may expect to discover and experience in her voyage, and what and whom she may encounter. Invited contributors and open contributions worldwide. A selection of the contributions will be published in an online PDF publication.

What We Eat
Laurie Frick (US)
As part of Heartbeat of the Earth, a series of online interactive artworks interpreting climate data, data artist Laurie Frick’s work examines the impact of individual foods on the environment using hand-drawn data visualisations, color coded and sized by CO2 output.

Coastline Paradox
Timo Aho (FI) & Pekka Niittyvirta (FI)
As part of Heartbeat of the Earth a series of online interactive artworks interpreting climate data, using Google Maps and Street View, artists Pekka Niittyvirta and Timo Aho visualize the predicted sea level rise – and the number of people likely to be displaced – in more than 200 different locations between the years 2000 and 2300.

Fabian Oefner (CH)
As part of Heartbeat of the Earth, a series of online interactive artworks interpreting climate data, artist Fabian Oefner explores the retreat of the Rhone and Trift glaciers in Switzerland over the last 140 years by using precise digital coordinates and special drone captures.

Diving into an Acidifying Ocean
Cristina Tarquini (IT/FR)
As part of Heartbeat of the Earth, a series of online interactive artworks interpreting climate data, digital artist Cristina Tarquini invites us to dive into our acidifying oceans using data from NOAA. Cristina Tarquini (IT) created an interactive data visualisation, inviting you to dive into the ocean and explore the impact of rising temperatures & in turn rising CO2 levels on marine life, over time.

Diving into an Acidifying Ocean – Q&A
Cristina Tarquini (IT/FR), Frédéric Gazeau (FR) & Freya Murray (UK)
Join the Q&A with the artist who created the online experiment and the scientist who advised her.

create your world 2020
Kepler's Garden on the JKU campus
The create your world festival invites young people and the young at heart to create social and creative closeness – with physical distance. An exchange network will share projects, ideas and talents. This platform for education, experiments and different future scenarios will show a great variety of young experts, all of whom can learn from each other.

Garden Exhibition
Kepler's Garden on the JKU campus
The Garden Exhibition on the JKU campus in Linz is dedicated to the interplay of art, research and industry/design. Selected works of art take up the metaphor of the garden playfully and in different ways.

Kris Pilcher (US), Cenk Guzelis (AT), Josecarlos Florez (PE), Quadrature (DE) and Mohsen Hazrati (IR), Curated by Santeri Suominen (FI)
“Stargazer” is a hybrid deeply participatory installation, which consists of two complementary and connected parts: a globally accessible mysterious virtual reality world in Mozilla Hubs and a spherical projection site in Barcelona. It encourages attendees into spatial exploration and deep engagement, to traverse a border between a virtual and physical world and connect with someone on the other side: Ars Electronica visitors from around the world can meet and interact with local people in Barcelona by visiting the space in Mozilla Hubs and interacting with its elements, and vice versa, Barcelona locals can interact with an international audience by visiting the dome projection site and engaging with its elements.

Ars Electronica Gallery Spaces Garden
The Gallery Spaces Program was successfully established to bring international galleries and collections on digital art to the Ars Electronica Festival — and 2020 is no exception. Not content with showing digital art represented by galleries, it is especially concerned with the changing conditions of creating and marketing art under digitalisation, which are now more relevant than ever.