
The Woman-Machine: Panel II
Aude Bernheim, Sophie Sakka
The second day of “The Woman-Machine” will feature panels from with Aude Bernheim on AI and ethics and Sophie Sakka on therapeutic robots and autism.

The Woman-Machine: Panel I
Clotilde Chevet, Oulimata Gueye
On Firday the event “The Woman-Machine” will start with talks from Clotilde Chevret about AI and gender, followed by another panel with Oulimata Gueye on afrocyberfeminism.

Space in your Living Room!
Space in Your Living Room! is an online program that brings astronauts, artists, space scientists and engineers, into living rooms across Europe and beyond. It is a series of fun activities, exciting challenges with amazing prizes, and live events for young people, families and educators. At Ars Electronica Festival we will share conversations between astronauts and artists, and the youth art projects created during the program: including stories, speculative design and young reporters stories.

Step into Space
Online Exhibition
Step into Space is an exciting exhibition developed by Ars Electronica, Science Gallery Dublin and University Leiden that brings together space sciences and art to inspire youths and their families. Space mission will lead you through the story.

Sensory Orders
Erik Adigard (FR/US), Chris Salter (US/QC-CA)
Sensory Orders is an exhibition, online and print project examining the different orders of sense making taking place under our (current) conditions of extreme precarity and uncertainty. Twenty five international artists, scholars and researchers respond to how different orders - the /symbolic/ realm of language and culture, the /technological /realm of machines and the /organic /realm of viruses, plants, animals and the physical-chemical matter of the earth itself - sense on and affect each other.

Hong Kong Escape Views
Maurice Benayoun (FR/HK)
Hong Kong Escape Views, Interactive installation, 360 videos. High-Res video panoramas of Hong Kong reveal the unseen.

MoneyLab#8 | Minting a Fair Society
MoneyLab explores the imaginaries of artists, researchers, activists and geeks in search of other possible economies, and urgently interrogates a different financial discourse. Can we use technology critically to support alternative values of cooperation and “commoning” in a world dominated by individualism and competition?

COVID-19 AI Battle
The Culture Yard (DK), CLICK (DK)
An AI battle between Donald Trump and the WHO, where two politically biased AIs challenge each other and the audience about the “right” interpretation of “reality”. Accessible through the internet, this artwork consists of two artificially intelligent algorithms, which discuss COVID-19 in real-time.

Big Concert Night 2020
The Big Concert Night in collaboration with Bruckner Orchestra Linz has been an integral and unique part of the Ars Electronica Festival for over a decade. Each year, it provides unique opportunities to explore and cross boundaries – an encounter between musical worlds.

Lennard Barth (AT), Celine Fahrngruber (AT), Samuel Gerersdorfer (AT), Joshua Haiden (AT), Elias Illig (AT), Sophie Kaufmann (AT), Irina Pitterle (AT) Xaver Quintus (AT)
Young filmmakers, young talents, young professionals are asked to film mini-documentaries that capture their perspectives and impressions of the festival’s themes. Instead of one general documentation of the festival, eight short stories will be produced, including different slots and protagonists.

From Art to Innovation: Do They Really Need Us?
Gašper Beg (SI), Luka Frelih (SI), Miha Horvat (SI), Janez Janša (SI), Jurij Krpan (SI), Marko Peljhan (SI/US), Irena Pivka (SI), Marko Pritržnik (SI), Peter Purg (SI)
Despite the widely embraced opinion that involving artists and creatives in innovation processes contributes to better results, very few research and development platforms are employing artists or art thinking in their innovation teams. Die talk's participants will discuss the challenges for artists, scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs stemming from essentially non-existing collaborative/open innovations.

Baukasten der Zukunft
Louise Amcha (AT), Hannah Ertl (AT), Leonid Stanislav Lang (AT) und Marlene Urban (AT)
The Baukasten der Zukunft (engl.: construction kit of the future) is an interactive thought experiment by a young group of artists. The project consists of a large, inviting wooden model of a landscape in which visitors can plan their own city. In addition, at the push of a button, a computer program builds a version of a city under the same conditions. Afterwards, the advantages and disadvantages of each version have to be evaluated and the best solution for our future has to be found.

3D–Tour: Experience the Art Collection Deutsche Telekom in Nîmes and in Budapest
Deutsche Telekom AG, Bonn (DE)
A 3D tour of an exhibition can never convey the sensual presence and aesthetic power of its works of art. The physical presence in a real exhibition space, the complexity of looking and the experiencing the environment, cannot yet be conveyed through digital technology. Such a tour, however, can be an essential tool in documenting past events, and it serve as an additional platform for mediating content.

¿¿Women´s table??
The round table will be composed by women that are actively involved in Valdivia´s cultural production. Female artists, activists, academics and producers that will share views on the the current crisis, its latencies and consequences. The hinge of this conversation will be mutations and restrictions from a gender view, understanding that one of the mutations regards female participation within the cultural scenario.

Future Focus – Fragile Worlds II
Victoria Bradbury, Suzy O’Hara, Ayodamola Tanimowo Okunseinde, Irini Papadimitriou, Paolo Cirio
This session builds on a series of provocations and discussion following from the Art Hack Practice series, exploring artistic practices and the role of art at a time of crisis, shifting spaces of production, care and labour in a precarious world.

Leonardo S+T+ARTS: A conversation on "What's next? Art-Science ideas emerging from lockdown."
Camille Baker (CA/UK), Danielle Siembieda (US), Aurelie Delater (FR) and Marie Albert (FR)
During lockdown, Leonardo and STARTS collaborated to exchange and reflect, together with their wider communities, on how COVID-19 is impacting Art-Science/Art-Technology innovation and co-creation.

Prix Ars Electronica u19–create your world
This year’s u19 exhibition will invite all winners to exchange ideas and projects with each other. Their “homebase” will be the physical exhibition of the projects, where the winners can explain these to other artists and visitors. They will share their talents and show the audience of Ars Electronica Festival their view of possible future scenarios. In 2019, the Prix Ars Electronica's u19–create your world category was divided into two sections. First, ideas and projects could be submitted to YOUNG CREATIVES (up to age 14). This sub-category impressively demonstrates how children can help shape the present and future from their own perspective. For YOUNG PROFESSIONALS (14 - 19 years), innovative lateral thinkers who have developed an artistic or critical project for the world of tomorrow are in demand.

Festivalpost: Topic Twist
Ars Electronica create your world (AT)
The Festivalpost (engl.: Festival Post) may remind some people of beloved Postcity by name, but the content of Festival Post focuses on this year's festival topics. At least, in the beginning. By the alternation of words, meanings twist and turn and in the end, a chain, a transformation or some form of further development is created as Festival Post. Will democracy become a duck, autonomy a ladder, humanity an alien-eating rocket-pen? We are curious about the journeys the topics will take.

CoderDojo Linz (AT)
The CoderDojo is a club for children and young people who want to learn programming and have fun doing it. In regular meetings, they learn how to write code, develop websites or program games and apps.

Tagtool Connect
Bei ihrem vierten Auftritt beim Festival Ars Electronica präsentieren OMAi die erste öffentliche Online-Multiplayer-Tagtool-Session, bei der sich ausgewählte internationale Künstler*innen über das Internet zusammenschließen, um spontane Projektionskunst zu schaffen.