Uncertainty is everywhere. It is what we experience when facing the unknown, but also when trying to communicate or negotiate with the invisible. It also shows up during the artist’s process of a creating a project. Pei-Ying Lin’s journey explores this aspect by exposing the process of creation of her project “Proposal of Collaboration with the Viral Entities.” Starting with an introduction to the project montaged with keywords and sketches, denoting the elements that make up the core of the project, she follows up with a contact improvisation dance accompanied by a monologue inspired by viruses, our society and their interactions and communications, where dancer Hsin Yu Chang will be responding with physical movements. The last part shows a dialogue between Pei-Ying Lin and her scientific collaborator Miranda de Graaf to discuss how we can get into the mind of viruses, and a discourse with Prof. Robert Zwijnenberg, a philosopher in art and science, which discusses artists during this time of uncertainty. Pei-Ying Lin creates a series of inspirations which aim to demonstrate some of the aesthetics of her endeavor to communicate with and understand viral entities and our mental process of building an understanding of uncertainty.
Wed, 09.09.2020, 11:15 – 11:40 | Ars Electronica Selection Channel |
Thu, 10.09.2020, 05:00 – 05:25 | Ars Electronica Gardens Channel |
Project Credits / Acknowledgements
These video commissions are co-funded by the European Commission’s DG CONNECT, in the framework of the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union under the S+T+ARTS initiatives Regional STARTS Centers.
Pei-Ying Lin is from Taiwan and based in the Netherlands. She focuses on exploring science and human society through artistic methods, and she is particularly interested in building a common discussion ground for different cultural perspectives regarding elements that constructs our individual perception of the world. Recently she has been focusing on manipulating the boundary of invisible/visible, living/non-living and finding ways to build tools and methods that facilitate such explorations.