AI Lab Journeys

What Matters Now?

Sarah Petkus (US)

Fri Sep 11, 2020, 12:15 pm - 12:40 pm
All times are given in Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2).
Ars Electronica Selection channel, 11.09., 12:15 - 12:40
Ars Electronica gardens channel, 11.09, 22:30 - 23:00

In the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic, daily life has been disrupted and given room to change; from the comfort of routine to the energy that fuels the creation of electronic and robotic work. While staying safe in her personal laboratory in Las Vegas, Nevada, technologist Sarah Petkus has been using this time to re-evaluate what it means to be a content creator and artist in this unique era where humans are limited by the constraints of physical isolation, yet connected in abundance through virtual platforms and social media. As the lines between private and professional life blur, she hopes to find new forms of meaning amidst the uncertainty.


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Project Credits / Acknowledgements

These video commissions are co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union in the framework of the European ARTificial Intelligence Lab.


Sarah Petkus is an artist who creates mechanical-electronic devices, and robotic entities derived from their own character illustrations. Their goal in doing so is to challenge the way humans relate to technology, encouraging reflection and the consideration of empathy towards the inanimate things we share our lives with.

European ARTificial Intelligence Lab
European Union