Deep Space by Ars Electronica opens in China

Ars Electronica Solutions brings immersive 8K experience to Shanghai

(Linz, January 15, 2024) Ars Electronica Solutions has exported Linz’s Deep Space to Asia. On December 23, 2023, the “Deep Space Future” celebrated its opening at the West Bund Museum in Shanghai. The immersive showroom features wall and floor projection, is equipped with eight high-resolution laser projectors and offers its visitors more than ten applications in 8K resolution. With the Deep Space in Shanghai, the Ars Electronica Solutions team once again demonstrates that the Linz multimedia concept works as a tailor-made solution for museums worldwide.

Deep Space made by Ars Electronica now on three continents

Large-scale projections, laser tracking and 3D animations in 4K or 8K resolution: Deep Space combines sophisticated software and powerful hardware to create a unique audience experience that uses traditional art forms such as music, theater and painting as well as new technologies to enable shared experiences. After the Cubo Negro (Centro de Ciencias de Sinaloa/Mexico) and the multimedia hall in the DAS MORGEN hotel (Vitznau/Switzerland), this is the third Deep Space export that Ars Electronica Solutions has successfully implemented.

15,000 visitors in the first three weeks

“Gliding through the universe with ease or playfully wandering through a world of colors and shapes – Deep Space is a place with soul and for all the senses”, says Michael Mondria, Managing Director of Ars Electronica Solutions. “It is a unique experience space for visitors and at the same time an experimental platform that inspires artists and developers to come up with new ideas.” At the West Bund Museum in Shanghai, the offer has been very well received: Since the opening of Deep Space by Ars Electronica in December 2023, more than 15,000 visitors have already been counted.

The West Bund Museum in Shanghai

Shanghai West Bund is an up-and-coming district on the Huangpu River, which divides the megacity on China’s east coast. The former industrial hotspot has been developed into an environment for art and design in line with the “Shanghai 2035” urban planning concept. The West Bund Museum is one of the largest institutions on the district’s new museum mile and focuses on a variety of art genres and international exchange.

Ars Electronica Solutions

Ars Electronica Solutions conceives, creates and implements interactive and multisensory worlds of experience. The Ars Electronica division, which was founded in 2011, specializes in creative and individual concepts for public exhibitions, brand worlds, trade fairs and events. The focus is on customized solutions that are developed in close cooperation with the customer.

Large-scale projections, laser tracking and 3D animations in 4K or 8K resolution – the Deep Space 8K provides a unique audience experience.

Credit: Kati Romics / Ars Electronica Solutions

More than 10 applications can be shown in the West Bund Museum Shanghai. All of them can also be experienced at the Ars Electronica Center. Here: Uniview.

Credit: Kati Romics / Ars Electronica Solutions

Opening ceremony of Deep Space by Ars Electronica at the West Bund Museum Shanghai on December 23, 2023.

Credit: Kati Romics / Ars Electronica Solutions