Ars Electronica Garden Wellington/Auckland

Ars Electronica Garden Aotearoa

arc/sec Lab (University of Auckland (NZ) and DARA (Victoria University of Wellington (NZ)

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The Ars Electronica Garden Aotearoa assembles selected projects from New Zealand’s technologists, artists, and university researchers. It is curated by the arc/sec Lab at the University of Auckland (UoA) and the Digital Research Alliance (DARA) at Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). The Garden welcomes national and international visitors to a cyber-physical environment. Local guests can visit the physical exhibition hosted by the Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation at VUW in New Zealand’s capital city. International guests can experience the projects in a virtual 3D gallery and through a series of online events. The exhibition is designed as a bi-directional portal. It allows for both hosting digital content from other Ars Electronica Hubs and showcasing projects from the New Zealand-based contributors. The Garden presents performances and prototypical installations. It offers tours through research facilities and visits to cultural sites, and includes a sonic music night hosted by one of Wellington’s famous night clubs.


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Key Organisers: Uwe Rieger arc/sec Lab UoA, Marc Aurel Schnabel DARA VUW, Tane Moleta DARA VUW, Yinan Liu arc/sec Lab UoA
Aotearoa Concert Night, organizers: Fabio Morreale UoA, Sasha Leitman VUW