Ars Electronica Garden Barcelona


Institut Ramon Llull (CAT), Hac Te – Barcelona Art Science and Technology Hub (CAT), UOC – Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (CAT), HANGAR – Center for Art Research and Production (CAT), NewArtFoundation (CAT), .BEEP { collection;} (CAT), ESPRONCEDA – Institute of Art & Culture (CAT), La Caldera – Center for the Ceation of Dance and Performing arts (CAT), Canòdrom – Digital and Democratic Innovation Centre (CAT)

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The main challenge of the new digitality is to resist the transhuman capitalist dream of the digital as utopia so as to configure a hybrid problematic via metastable and interdependent approaches to digital media. The hybrid times we are now living in have made us utterly aware of our interdependence—the state of being mutually reliant upon one another—as a form of symbiosis to take into account. Merging the digital/online world with the analog/presential world also has to relate and connect with the multiple layers of reality involved, from technopolitical infrastructures to ecosocial impact. The Ars Electronica Garden Barcelona will consist of five different phases: 1) an open call for art, science and technology grants; 2) artists’residencies in scientific and technological research centers; 3) the implementation of research-production processes in visual arts and performing arts production centers; 4) the public exhibition and diffusion of artistic research results and, finally, 5) the sharing of results, methods and processes involved in the collaboration through a series of open talks and roundtable discussions.

With works by Estampa, Andy Gracie, Óscar Martín, Esther Rodríguez-Barbero, Anaisa Franco, Stefan Tiefengraber, Solimán López, Mohsen Hazrati and Remix El Barrio among others, and with the participation of innovation platforms such as IMMENSIVA and Phygital Next.


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Ars Electronica Garden Barcelona is promoted by Institut Ramon Llull, Hac Te – Barcelona, Art Science and Technology Hub, UOC – Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, HANGAR – Center for Art Research and Production, NewArtFoundation, .BEEP { collection;}, ESPRONCEDA – Institute of Art & Culture La Caldera – Center for the Creation of Dance and Performing Arts, Canòdrom – Digital and Democratic Innovation Centre, with the collaboration of Sónar, Mira Festival, IDEAL – Digital Arts Center, IAAC – The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, BSC – Barcelona Supercomputing Center, ICFO – Institute of Photonic Sciences, BIST – Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, Barcelona City Council and the Direction of Innovation and Digital Culture at the Ministry of Culture-Government of Catalonia.

Curated by: Pau Alsina, Carolina Jiménez, Maria Lladó, Alejandro Martín, Vicente Matallana, Lluís Nacenta and Irma Vilà