Art & Science
That Unseen Vibrance
Yolande Harris
Can our conscious listening effect the world around us? That unseen vibrance. These are dense vibrations, larger than our bodies, larger than our eardrums. They work through us. They present as oceanic. I have a sense of being inside the sound, submerged in another medium, molten, or perhaps growing wings. Of enormous pressure depth yet vibrance shimmer. To dive into the oceanic with our own airborne sounds, feet on the ground, ears underwater. What animal could hear like this?
Breathe to flow
Anna Nacher
The way we, as humans, participate in the vibrational fields and flows of energy of the Planet Earth is embodied practice, even if the process often remains somewhat mysterious, unnoticed or unacknowledged. This workshop will explore how a human vocalization, which is nothing else than amplified and conscious breathing, can become a practice of inquiry into the planetary water cycle.
Inside Futurelab Live: 25th Anniversary
Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
Mit der Entwicklung von Deep Virtual hat das Ars Electronica Futurelab einen Meilenstein in der noch jungen Geschichte von Ars Electronica Home Delivery gesetzt.
Futurelab Day: Night Performances
Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
Eingebettet in eine elektrisierende Atmosphäre aus visualisiertem Sound und Electric Noise, aus den Render Engines von Künstler*innen, Forscher*innen und Deep Neural Networks neigt sich das Performance-Programm im Deep Space 8K seinem Höhenpunkt entgegen und weist gleichzeitig den Weg in eine mögliche Zukunft. Feiern auch Sie zusammen mit uns am Futurelab Day, dem 9. September, den 25. Geburtstag des Ars Electronica Futurelab im Deep Space 8K des Ars Electronica Center oder nehmen Sie online an der Veranstaltung teil.
Futurelab Day: Morning Inspirations
Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
Klimawandel, Migration und digitale Transformation: Wir alle stehen vor großen Herausforderungen – und einfache Lösungen für die großen Probleme der Welt gibt es nicht. Der technologische Fortschritt in unserer Gesellschaft muss daher ganz im Interesse des Planeten und der Menschlichkeit stehen.
Garden Newcastle / Australia Official Opening
The official opening of the Ars Electronica Garden Newcastle / Australia will introduce the high-level government, academic, local and international partners that have made this program possible.
The film and discussion dedicated to the decade of art and science program in LAZNIA CCA
Ryszard W. Kluszczyński, Christa Sommerer, Chris Salter, Nina Czegledy, Jadwiga Charzyńska. Moderator: Aleksandra Hirszfeld
The Art+Science Meeting program was launched by the LAZNIA CCA in 2010 as an art and research project, which has offered exhibitions, conferences, debates, performances and other events within its frameworks.
Mapping the Memory by Means of Art
Krzysztof Wodiczko (PL) , Ryszard W. Kluszczyński (PL), Oksana Dovgopolova (UA), Moderator: Kateryna Filyuk (UA)
In the second half of the 20th century, after the atrocities of World War II, humanity faced the need to comprehend the indescribable. Figuring out how to live with the knowledge of terror and yet to remain human became a problem in and of itself.
The Woodiana Oracle
The Danube Transformation Agency for Agency: Alexandra Fruhstorfer (AU), Lena Violetta Leitner (AU), Ege Kökel (AU/TR), Solmaz Farhang (UK/IR/AU) and Andrea Palašti (RS). Jovana Pešić (RS) Sanja Anđelković (RS)
The Woodiana Oracle: Diviners Wanted! is a diviner recruitment event and a futuring exercise in the form of a fortune telling workshop; a live online divination event where everybody gets a chance to become a mussel path analyst and interpret her behaviour! No previous experience is needed, just a passion for river ecologies, drawing and making up fantastic stories! Prepare some papers and pens and dive into the Danube in search of the mussel trails!
Follow the Current
Kristina Tica (RS/AT), Marija Šumarac (RS), Barbara Jazbec (SI/AT), Sara Koniarek (AT), Sanja Anđelković (RS), Jovana Pešić (RS), Andrea Palašti (RS), The Danube Transformation Agency for Agency (DTAFA)
Follow the Current is a panel discussion established among young artists and researchers from four cities connected by the the river Danube - Linz, Vienna, Novi Sad and Belgrade. The representatives will present five main projects: Interface Cult, Woodiana Oracle, Anatomy of a Fatberg, Aerosonar and Digital Prayer.