Climate Change

gREen : Sampling Color – Farbe Vermessen
An Art & Science Symposium
What is ‘green’? Are we ‘green’? And is it the vegetative world at all? Are algae ‘superfoods’, environmental pests – or both? Is biodiesel green? Beyond the rampant ‘greenwashing’ of our times, artists and scientists in this symposium get to the bottom of the increasingly uncritically accepted symbolism of ‘green’ – as a RE-mix and RE-evaluation of contradictions and paradoxes.

gREen - Opening events and performances
Agnes Meyer-Brandis (DE), Thomas Feuerstein (AT), Adam Brown (US), Jens Hauser (DE)
What is ‘green’? Are we ‘green’? And is it the vegetative world at all? With monumental biotechnical installations, olfactory portraits of trees and the chemical re-enactment of historical toxic pigments, this garden proposed by Muffathalle Munich, curated by Jens Hauser, fosters debates in climate politics in the field of tension between art, nature and science.

Education Inspiration Session II - a create your world TOUR
Michaela Schober (AT), L. Vanessa Gruber (AT)
In dieser Inspiration Session für Lehrer*innen und Erzieher*innen können Sie an dem von Michaela Schober und L. Vanessa Gruber entwickelten Online-Workshop teilnehmen, der derzeit im Rahmen der create your world TOUR in Schulklassen durchgeführt wird. Warum fordert Social Media auf, die eigene Geschichte zu erzählen? Was hat es dabei mit Storytelling auf sich und wie funktioniert das überhaupt? Wie kann man sich Gehör verschaffen? Und: Wie hängt das mit Klimaschutz zusammen?

Conversations - What is the Fabulous Republic of the Mountain?
Enrique Rivera (CL), Ignacio Cueva Puyol (CL), Fabian Andrade (CL)
The Republic of the Mountain is constituted as a utopian micronation, decentralized and intangible, which activates an ephemeral appearance from the foothills of the Andes towards the limits of our perception, to find out more join us in this conversation with Enrique Rivera, our art curator and get to become a citizen of the republic.

Branch Magazine Symposium: Climate Change Education and the Internet
Chair: Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino (UK) Low Carbon Design Institute, Panelists: David Jennings (UK) XR Academy, Anshuman Bapna (IN), Emma Richards (UK) The Carbon Literacy Project
Diese Podiumsdiskussion wird die Auswirkungen des Internets auf Bildungsmodelle zum Klimawandel untersuchen. Von offenen Ressourcen über Online-Schulungen bis hin zu über soziale Medien vermittelbaren Informationen – das Internet hat die Art und Weise, wie universelle und effektive Bildungsmodelle aussehen, völlig verändert.

Branch Magazine Symposium: Solarpunk and Other Worlds
Host: Christine Lariviere (CA) Climate Communications; Speakers: Luiza Prado (BR), artist, writer, and researcher, Sarah Friend (CA) artist and software developer, Jay Springett (UK) strategist and writer
Welche Art von Geschichten sollten wir im Zusammenhang mit einer durch den Klimawandel veränderten Welt erzählen, und welche Rolle spielen Technologie und Internet in dieser Erzählung?

There Is No Planet B
Globale Erwärmung und menschliche Verantwortung
Energie ist die Grundlage für Leben. Kleinste Organismen brauchen sie ebenso wie wir Menschen. Doch nicht nur unser Körper muss mit Energie versorgt werden, sondern auch unsere gesamte Gesellschaft: etwa unsere Elektrogeräte, unsere Transportmittel oder unsere Industrie. Und woher kommt die Energie?

De-Growthing Sustainable Development
Michael Kneidl (AT/ DE), Magdalena Haidacher (AT), Margarita Köhl (AT)
The first workshop (facilitated by Michael Kneidl) of this series is dedicated to disruptive life prototyping. The participants will experiment with existing tools and new technologies, de-construct and redesign them to accomplish new tasks for them. In the second workshop of this series, “Mapping the (Im)possibility of Change”, Magdalena Haidacher and Margarita Köhl will explore the ways of thinking and practicing sustainable development beyond an all-pervading logic of growth together with the participants. Additionally, impactful projects created by InterMedia BA and MA students at Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences will be featured in the frame of an online exhibition.

The Sound of Clouds and other Sonic Memories
Joel Ong
Since 2015, Joel Ong has been collecting sonic memories through interviews and casual conversations. As part of his Residency with UCLA this summer, Ong turned his attention to sonic memories in the environment, and is collecting these in order to draw attention to fluctuations in the climate observed and remembered through the inter-subjectivities of a diverse group of interviewees.

That Unseen Vibrance
Yolande Harris
Can our conscious listening effect the world around us? That unseen vibrance. These are dense vibrations, larger than our bodies, larger than our eardrums. They work through us. They present as oceanic. I have a sense of being inside the sound, submerged in another medium, molten, or perhaps growing wings. Of enormous pressure depth yet vibrance shimmer. To dive into the oceanic with our own airborne sounds, feet on the ground, ears underwater. What animal could hear like this?