Digital Renaissance

Gloves Off: A Performative Debate about DIY Labs and Citizen Science
Ellen Levy (US), Patricia Olynyk (US), Piroska Kopar (US), Alex Pearlman (US), Jill Scott (AU/CH), Siddharth Ramakrishnan (US), Paul D. Miller, aka DJ Spooky (US)
Who can and should produce scientific knowledge, and where should it be produced? This performative debate explores whether science should be only in the hands of “experts.”

Microbes Performing in Zoom
Klaus Spiess (AT), Lucie Strecker (DE)
There is not only a decline in linguistic and phonetic diversity but also in the diversity of the microbiomes. Both the monopolisation of languages and the spatial distancing in digital communication exacerbate this decline. Spiess&Strecker's performance counteracts the simultaneous decline of microbial and linguistic diversity by presenting a vision of language as an ecological process.

Proximal Fields
Joel Ong (CA), Elaine Whittaker (CA), Nina Czegledy (CA), Roberta Buiani (CA), Kavi (LV/CA), this event is organised by LASER Toronto (CA)
The Fields Institute was closed to the public for a long time, but it has not been empty. Peculiar sounds and intriguing silences, the flows of the few individuals and janitors occasionally visiting the building made it surprisingly lively. Microorganisms, dust specs and other invisible guests populated the space undisturbed while the humans were away. The building is alive, and the artists created site-specific installations to reflect this condition.

LASER Alberta (CA), LASER Tempe (US), Diana Ayton-Shenker, Leonardo/ISAST, CEO (US)
How can an art, science and technology practice foster unusual connections and creative problem solving? How do we design for change? Through interdisciplinary collaboration, how do we engage in acts of speculative design and envision possible futures?

Interbeing Between Complex Systems
LASER Helsinki/Espoo (FI), LASER Mexico (MX), LASER Totnes (UK), LASER Zurich (CH)
We are not alone on this planet, but part of a vast, complex web of species, agents, and other beings. What are our ethical responsibilities to the environment and to the multiplicity of living systems that comprise it? How can practitioners of art, science, and technology sustain these dynamic networks and evolve interspecies communication?

Performing New Infrastructures
LASER Cambridge (UK), LASER Fortaleza (BR), LASER Montreal (CA), LASER São Paulo (BR), LASER Toronto (CA), LASER Vienna (AT)
Co-creating experiences through sonic, visual, and embodied performance in the spaces between art, science, and technology, these performative acts undergird new infrastructures for the staging of critical discourse and playful experimentation.

Marco Barotti Exhibit
Marco Barotti (IT)

Panel guests: Federica Fragapane (IT), Michela Milano (IT), Iolanda Pensa (IT), Valentina Tanni (IT), Moderated by: Federico Bomba (IT)
How can data help us in better understanding environmental and social challenges? Data are not good or bad, they simply are. Their aim is, or it should be, empowering our knowledge about the complex ecosystem we live in. But they do not speak for themselves: someone - or something - must present them in a shape so that they can produce new awareness.

Marco Barotti
The central element of the kinetic sound sculpture is a dome overgrown with moss, its movement driven by readings of nitrogen oxide concentrations at various locations on our planet. Moss is regarded as a bio-indicator of air pollution, and this forms Barotti’s first collaboration with a living organism.

Un suono in estinzione
Un suono in estinzione is an art & science project aimed at monitoring climate change implications on alpine glaciers through an artistic exploration.