Education of Digital 21st Century

Adopt the World
Verena Boheme (DE), Joaquín Fargas (AR)
This project consists of natural ecosystems isolated inside sealed containers that only allow the external influence of heat and light. The objective is to collaborate actively on raising awareness about the fragility of our planet and the importance and urgency of its care. With the concept that ¨the world is not for sale¨, the small biosphere adoption program was born; small worlds that represent our planet on an infinitesimal scale.

Maker Monday X Ars Electronica
Sharon Brunt (UK), Kelly Vero (CH)
Birmingham's highly established Maker Monday event teams up with Ars Electronica for a special workshop. In this interactive session, our amazing special guests Sharon Brunt and Kelly Vero will explore what empathy is and how to use it to design everything from apps, tool and games that are sensitive to users needs, and uplift their lives.

Follow the Current
Kristina Tica (RS/AT), Marija Šumarac (RS), Barbara Jazbec (SI/AT), Sara Koniarek (AT), Sanja Anđelković (RS), Jovana Pešić (RS), Andrea Palašti (RS), The Danube Transformation Agency for Agency (DTAFA)
Follow the Current is a panel discussion established among young artists and researchers from four cities connected by the the river Danube - Linz, Vienna, Novi Sad and Belgrade. The representatives will present five main projects: Interface Cult, Woodiana Oracle, Anatomy of a Fatberg, Aerosonar and Digital Prayer.

We are STEAMhouse
STEAMhouse (GB)
STEAMhouse sees that STEAM is centered on collaboration and openness, and believes that those principles are most fully realized when the arts and the sciences are allowed to collide, for the creativity embedded in both to be released.

Tour de Force
Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden (DE)
How can a museum transfer its authentic on-site experience into the digital world? Join a virtual live tour through the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum!