Sonic Garden - Sat. Sep 11
Rojin Sharafi (IR/AT), mHz (IR/NZ), Houman Hoorsan (IR)
Rojin Sharafi (IR/AT) is a Vienna-based, Tehran-born sound artist, performer and composer of acoustic and electronic music, freely crossing the borders between genres. She creates entirely unique musical textures using analogue, acoustic and augmented instruments, as well as digital tools of her own devising. She is currently pursuing her masters in sound engineering and composition at the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts. Her debut album “Urns Waiting to be Fed,” with Zabte Zote, has been lauded as “one of [2019’s] most ecstatic and fiercely original hours of music.”
Sonic Garden - Fri. Sept. 10
Siavash Amini (IR), Active Listeners Club (IR), Sepand Jamshidy (IR), Dariush Sardari (IR)
Siavash Amini (IR) is a composer from Tehran, Iran. He has worked with renowned international labels Room40, Hallow Ground, Opal Tapes and Umor Rex for the better half of the past 10 years.
Neuroaesthetics: The Future of Interdisciplinary Art
Kinda Studios (GB), Marshmallow Laser Feast (GB), Tayos & Jon Hopkins (GB), Goldsmiths University (GB)
This interactive, participatory session guides audience members through the growing interdisciplinary field of Neuroaesthetics, providing a toolkit and takeaways for building effective Art-Science experiences. A live participatory Neuroaesthetics research experiment and interactive discussion with a breathe intervention that includes artworks from Marshmallow Laser Feast & Jon Hopkins
Sonic Garden - Wed. Sep 8
Pantea and Momo Zeli (IR) – Vedad Famourzadeh (IR)
This mixtape represents the progress of Everyday, an artistic research project led by pantea and momo zeli. The project aims to foreground the unheard sounds of everyday cultures; sounds which are less acknowledged and explored in the creative musical heritage, sounds which embody local knowledge, cultural practices of the vernacular, and ecologies - many of which were not made for musical purposes in the first place. Through the project recordings are being highlighted that denote a blurred line between everyday sounds and musicality.
Multimodal Perception in Human-Machine Interaction
Prof. Dr. Frank Fitzek (DE), Dr. rer. nat. Annika Dix (DE), Dipl.-Ing. Emese Papp B.A. (HU)
The workshop will open with two keynotes on 6G technology and augmented multisensory perception. The main body includes hands-on experiments and a follow-up discussion on novel multisensory technologies and future applications.
You and I, You and Me
Mindaugas Gapsevicius (LT/DE)
Imagine the future. Humans, computing machines, and various types of hybrids share the space they live in. Senses are altered, some are inextricably linked to computing devices. Electricity is used to control the space and the beings living in it.
Lost Interferences
Maia Morgenstern (RO), Constantin Basica (US/RO), Romeo Cornelius (RO), Irina Margareta Nistor (RO), Alexandru Berceanu (RO), Deep Prateek Verma (US), Alexandru Ponoran (RO), Grigore Burloiu (RO), Bucharest Garden
Lost Interferences We lost objects. We lost information. We lost friends. We lost dear ones. We lose hope, cells, memory, and sometimes we feel that we lose the future. We get lost. When we lose something, we sometimes get desperate, we sometimes get lonely, we isolate. We, Alexandru, Constantin, Maia, Romeo, Prateek, and Grigore want to know how you felt when you lost something. What made you feel weak? How did you regain your sense of identity?
The illness of the consciousness is corruption - smell and think.
Oswaldo Macia (CO/UK) – artist, Emilia Leszkowicz (PL) – scientist, Chris Bean (IE) – scientist
Der kolumbianische Künstler Oswaldo Maciá, der Wissenschaftler Chris Bean (Leiter der Geophysik am Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies) und die Wissenschaftlerin Emilia Leszkowicz (Elektrophysiologin an der Universität Danzig) sind die Bewohner des STUDIOTOPIA Art&Science Residency, das vom LAZNIA Centre for Contemporary Art in Danzig betreut wird. Ziel ihres gemeinsamen Projekts ist es, Fragen zu stellen, die mit der Art und Weise zusammenhängen, wie das Bewusstsein der Betrachtenden durch die Sinne des Riechens und Hörens erreicht werden kann, um die Frage nach unserem Platz in der Welt aufzuwerfen.