
Co-creation Containers
Ellen Pearlman (US), Julie Phelps (US), Shamsher Virk (US)
As cultural producers who hold space for artist residencies, incubators, and exchanges, we are confronted with constraints of all kinds. Responding to the ever-changing conditions of the contemporary world, we must adapt to the limitations encountered and decipher the possible.

A new digital paradigm
Art X Company (IN), Arts & Culture Resources India (IN)
The session will cover four key areas of the festival experience by 4 speakers.

Limits of the material, Sustainable and/or high-tech
Lea Schmidt (CH), Jessica Bulling (DE), Bettina Weber (DE), Dr. Marc Mosch (DE)
During this event, we will give an insight into the current state of the various research fields, showing how material can also be digitalized and brought into a library. We are also going to work and talk directly with all visitors. An essential aspect is the question of the acceptance of alternative materials in everyday life as well as in professional contexts.

Multimodal Perception in Human-Machine Interaction
Prof. Dr. Frank Fitzek (DE), Dr. rer. nat. Annika Dix (DE), Dipl.-Ing. Emese Papp B.A. (HU)
The workshop will open with two keynotes on 6G technology and augmented multisensory perception. The main body includes hands-on experiments and a follow-up discussion on novel multisensory technologies and future applications.

From Digital Pianists to Democratizing Skills
Prof. Dr. Frank Fitzek (DE), Dr. Luca Oppici (IT), Prof. Ph.D. Shu-Chen Li (DE /TW), Dipl.-Ing. Lisa-Marie Lüneburg (DE)
The next generation internet will enable new forms of digitized communication between humans and machines, which has the great potential to change the way we teach and learn new skills. Taking the example of piano playing, we show first insights in our ongoing research at the Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop (CeTI).

Hiroshi Ishii (US)
Hiroshi Ishii will present a lecture on TeleAbsence. The purpose of Telepresence is to connect people who are alive. TeleAbsence aims to create illusionary communication channels with those no longer with us to soothe the pain of bereavement. TeleAbsence is designed around tangible objects, such as old typewriters, telephones, brushes, and pianos that were once touched and marked by the hand of a loved one.

Nova Dewi Setiabudi (ID)
Content: Indonesian Heritage. Mixology: Healing Remedies Stamina & Immunity Relaxation, Health & Beauty. Description of talk & workshop: History, Flavours & Taste; The History of Jamu, from Humble Beginnings to the Drink of Choice of Royals (will be shared over a unique, intimate 30-minute Jamu workshop).

Dr. Wiyu Wahono (ID), Detty Wulandari (ID). Moderator: Mona Liem (ID)
Topics: 1) The speakers will discuss their digital and media art collections; 2) they will share knowledge about NFT art for a young generation who wants to know more about it; 3) the artworks are from Indonesia, and show the international influence on the movement.

Kumoratih Kushardjanto (Negeri Rempah Foundation), (ID)
Story a glimpse of the history of the spice route in the Indonesian archipelago (pre-colonial) local wisdom/knowledge preserved in tradition the spice route and how it has changed the world today

Curator: Mona Liem (ID), Utami Atasia Ishii (ID), Ady Setyawan (ID); Widi P. Pangestu (ID); Natlab collective (DE/FR/BE); MATER collective (ID); Diaspora collective (ID)
JOURNEY: 6 ARTWORKS on INFINITY, AN ADAPTATION MOVEMENT OF GARDEN INDONESIA ONLINE EXHIBITION: The six cutting-edge artworks will represent the Zeitgeist through Indonesian wisdom.