Linz, Kunstuniverstität Linz, Hauptplatz

FANGØ at the Academy of Thoughts

Hidden under its appearance of a mobile phone charger, FANGØ takes control of the smartphone it is plugged in, generating random interactions that add a layer of noise to disrupt the mechanics of surveillance capitalism. In the talk we will introduce the concept of surveillance capitalism and the concept of obfuscation, which consists in the production, inclusion, addition, or communication of misleading, ambiguous, or false data in an effort to evade, distract, or confuse data gartherers or diminish the reliability (and value) of data aggregations.

Martín Nadal (ES): Martin Nadal (BSc) is an artist/creative coder based in Linz and studying the Interface Cultures program at KunstUni. In the past years he has collaborated in a variety of projects and taught some workshops related to art and technology. He is also interested in illustration and cinematography. His works have been shown at Visualizar 11 (Medialab Prado), Ars Electronica, AMRO Festival y Settimana della Scienza (Genova). IAMAS (jp). ZKM (de).


Akademie der Gedanken (Academy of Thoughts): Manuela Naveau