Protagonists (Artists / Curator presenting):
Jeffrey Geiringer (US/HK)
Joanna Hoffmann (PL)
Tobias Klein (GR/HK)
Cédric Maridet (FR/HK)
Ellen Pau (HK)
Yu-Chuan Tseng (TW)
Ken Ueno (US)

Panel Moderator:
Alvaro Cassinelli (UY/HK)

The development of media art and the online art space are both tightly enmeshed with the technological innovations of their times. Art in the Cloud is curatorial research that explores how the sudden growth of online art spaces contributes to the transformation of the presentation of media artworks. Specifically, we question how inherent characteristics such as interactivity and immersion shift in online exhibitions. How does today’s online space contribute to, or limit, artistic creativity? What are some of the unexpected challenges that artists have encountered? What are some of the new potentials that emerge from the technological impediments we come across?

To facilitate the interfacing of alterities in search of unexpected synergies, we have invited artists and curators born or based in Hong Kong and asked them to recommend one other artist or curator, based on the differences in terms of artistic medium, cultural, or philosophical lineage.

This Panel Discussion is the second session of the series, featuring Jeffrey Geiringer (US/HK), Joanna Hoffmann (PL), Tobias Klein (GR/HK) Cédric Maridet (FR/HK), Ellen Pau (HK), Yu-Chuan Tseng (TW) Ken Ueno (US), and moderated by Dr. Alvaro Cassinelli (UY/HK).

The 24 artworks will be viewable on our website throughout the festival, and an official screening and sharing of the work will take place on Zoom between September 8th and 11th . Please join us to reflect on how art could be in line with the online.


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Alvaro Cassinelli (UY/HK): Born in Uruguay, Alvaro Cassinelli is an equilibrist walking the thin line between Art and Science. He co-founded and led the Meta-Perception group at the Ishikawa-Oku Laboratory, University of Tokyo – a research group specialized on interfaces for expanding the vocabulary of HCI and media arts. He is presently Associate Professor and co-founder of the XRL/AM (Extended Reality Lab, Augmented Materiality Group) at the School of Creative Media in Hong Kong. Awards includes the Grand Prize [Art Division] (9th Japan Media Art Festival), Excellence Prize [Entertainment Division] (13th Japan Media Art Festival), Honorary Mention (Ars Electronica), NISSAN Innovative Award (2010), Jury Grand Prize at Laval Virtual (2011) among others.


Jeffrey Geiringer (US/HK): Jeffrey Geiringer (they/them) is an artist and technologist working at the forefront of 3D-space generative machine intelligence methods. Their work is centered around questions of iconography, identity, self-reflection, and the dubious value of nationalism. Their current body of work partners with a machine skillset to combine objects into new sculptural icons. A recent immigrant to Hong Kong from New York City, Jeffrey has found their new environment to be a daily source of inspiration.

Joanna Hoffmann (PL): Joanna Hoffmann is a Professor at the University of Arts in Poznań, and leader of the Studio for Transdisciplinary Projects and Research (WEAiK/UAP). She is also co-founder and Chair of the Art & Science Node in Berlin. Her artistic works have been widely presented in venues such as the Centre for Contemporary Arts in Warsaw; the Science Museum/DANA Centre and MOCA in London; Transmediale Festival and the European Patent Office in Berlin, and MUSE New York. She was the Artist of Honour at the XII Florence Biennale and was awarded the medal Gloria Artis by the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Poland.

Tobias Klein (GR/HK): Tobias Klein (簡鳴謙) is a German artist and architect. His work articulates a syncretism of contemporary CAD/CAM technologies with cultural narratives, intuitive non-linear processes and historical references, establishing the practice of Digital Craftsmanship as an operational synthesis between digital and physical materials, methods and tools as poetic (poïesis) and technical (technê) expressions. He is an associate Professor at the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong.

Cédric Maridet (FR/HK): Cédric Maridet is a research-based artist working in Hong Kong since 1999. His work often explores sound through the act of listening, collecting and archiving with a strong interest in system of knowledge and fiction. His work takes multiple forms such as video, installations, photography, sound compositions and works on paper. Maridet has exhibited, performed and lectured at many international sites, including Tate Modern, Para Site, Tai Kwun Contemporary and Suomenlinna in Helsinki. He has been awarded the Prize of Excellence in the Hong Kong Art Biennial 2005, the Gold Award in Media Arts at the 19th IFVA, and HKADC’s Media Artist of the Year in 2014. Maridet currently holds the position of Assistant Professor at the Academy of Visual Arts of Hong Kong Baptist University.

Ellen Pau (HK): Ellen Pau is a video artist, curator and researcher in Hong Kong. Her early works first appeared in local screening clubs and emerged on the international scene in 1987. In 1986, Pau co-founded Videotage, a media art collective aiming at creating an umbrella organization for local media artists, facilitating artistic and cultural exchange and promoting new media arts to the public. She is the founding director-cum-curator of Microwave International New Media Arts Festival. Her single channel videos and video installation works have been extensively exhibited worldwide, including the Hong Kong Pavilion at the 49th Venice Biennial.

Yu-Chuan Tseng (TW): An artist, curator, and academic, Yu-Chuan Tseng is a pioneer digital artist who has been pondering the status of human existence in the digital age since 1998. She obtained her PhD at the Graduate Institute of Applied Art, National Chiao Tung University, and is currently a Professor at the Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Shih Hsin University, and a Chairperson of Taiwan Information Design, Art, Technology, Education Association. In 2003 she held the solo exhibition “Let’s Make Art” at the Taipei Museum of Fine Arts, staging the first art show that employed instantaneous web-based interaction. In 2012, she participated in the Leonardo Digital Art Initiative.

Ken Ueno (US): Rome Prize and Berlin Prize winner Ken Ueno is a composer, vocalist and sound artist. Ueno’s collaborators include the Hilliard Ensemble, Kim Kashkashian and Robyn Schulkowsky, Steve Schick and SFCMP, and Frances-Marie Uitti. As a vocalist, he has performed his concerto with orchestras in Boston, New York, Poland, Lithuania, Thailand, North Carolina, and California. His sound installations have been installed at MUAC, the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Art Basel, and at SCI-Arc. Ueno is currently a Professor in Music at UC Berkeley. His bio appears in The Grove Dictionary of American Music.

Panel Coordinator:

Sophie Zhang Yujia (HK): Sophie Zhang Yujia is a PhD candidate in School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. Her current research interests focus on building public self within the art world, and she is also involved with social media studies, image analysis, facial expression detections and emotion studies. Contributing to her research, Zhang does art practices on relative topics, and her artworks have been exhibited in Hong Kong for several times.

Panel Assistant:

Charlie Yip (HK): Charlie Yip obtained her Master Degree in Creative Media from the City University of Hong Kong after completing a Bachelor of Fine Art. Currently a member of the Neuro-Design Lab. Alongside the team members, she has been organizing various curatorial projects and creating interactive artworks. Her research focuses mainly on Curating Art and Media.


Curator: Ann Mak
Chair: Maurice Benayoun
Panel Coordinator: Sophie Zhang Yujia
Panel Assistant: Charlie Yip