Responding to the generation which pursues speed with art.

The experimental project consists of five new media artworks. Through interactive installation, augmented reality, immersive theater, urban action and more. We have constructed a hypothetical planning area to examine the meaning of physical and psychological distance as fast-food generation, in its present state: In the rapid flow of information, from basic physical necessities to spiritual dependences, there is nothing that the contemporary person cannot expeditiously obtain.

The participants were trained as well-rounded artists during their four-year study in the New Media Art Department at TNUA. They draw upon a wide range of materials from the fields of art and technology to support and develop their practices. They also perform well in interdisciplinary projects. One of the projects collaborated with NTU, Dept. of Civil Engineering and USC, Dept. of Architecture was in 2019, Treasure Hill Light Festival, Light Weight: The Flocked Scene of Nature.