Autonomy/Dependency is an installation located in Santiago de Chile, in the pre-cordillera of the Andes.

Different plants are living in this place and music is played to them with the use of electro-mechanical devices and synthesis, controlled via emojis on a live chat. This installation is somehow aware of the process, and you can talk to it via chat, so you can get its opinions and responses. Different emojis will affect the installation with different results. Everything broadcasted via web so you can see and listen in real time. Autonomy/Dependency will be running for 4 days during the festival, with permanent access to be played and controlled online. Audiences around the world will be allow remotely to perform instruments from array of electromechanical objects that will interact with the environment, creating music that people participate using a graphical web interface and will be able to listen and see, in real time trough live streaming, as a permanent installation lasting the entire festival and streaming 24 hours.

The robot making music in the garden it’s the vehicle to move towards a more harmonious way of life, perhaps to understand that will protect our environment and requires our active participation and a deep reflection, we understand AUTONOMY as the capacity to make informed and uncoerced decisions. Where organizations or individuals can make the right choices will be crucial for our species. Rational autonomy entails making your own decisions, but it cannot be done solely in isolation.

Cooperative rational interactions are required to both develop and exercise our ability to live in a world with others in harmony. In a slightly different approach, autonomy is normally defined from a human resources perspective, where the need to receive supplies make us dependent on a provider. This dynamic has been quite normal for us during the past years, but what if our suppliers are not to be trusted anymore.

They are no longer reliable in their task to provide nurture, as the economic system fails, we have to deconstruct ourselves in a search for survival. It is time to look around with different eyes, to rediscover our search for freedom. Perhaps it is just a matter of changing our suppliers. That’s the power of autonomy, other forms of life are around us and constitute our food, plants, animals, bacteria and fungi, are indeed very good suppliers, but only an informed and coerced decision can make the change, just opening your eyes to look around.

Ignacio Cuevas Puyol (CL): Electronic musician, sound designer and media artist born in Chile (1979), active for more than fifteen years. His hybrid style goes somewhere through techno, ambient and glitch, but not exclusively that; always open to other substyles and rhythms. Ignacio studied musical programming at Ircam (Paris, France, 2012), he was an artist in residence at Ars Electronica Center (Linz, Austria, 2013) and has played several times in Europe and Chile. White Sample is now a Red Bull Music Academy grad from RBMA Montréal 2016. He has been a part of festivals like Mutek_CL, Glitchfest, Ircam Live, Ars Electronica Festival, RBMA MTL, Fauna Primavera, Sónar Buenos Aires, Frecuencias, besides small venues worldwide. White Sample is a musical project with a deep interest in building his own electronic tools to create or manipulate sound. Very active into the DIY scene, open to share knowledge through workshops and exhibitions. His sound is based on the use of analogue circuitry and modular synthesizers, under concepts like infinity, energy feedback and eternal transformation.

Fabian Andrade: Chilean and Welsh, creative technologist & film, managing areas of computer graphics such as design, motion & programming on a diverse range of projects. After working in different cities around the world as London, Copenhagen and Santiago. He had the opportunity of working with an eclectic mix of brands such as: Windows, Ford, Adidas, Unilever, Braun, Mercedes Benz, Peugeot, Honda, Stella Artois, among others, and big agencies like: Wunderman, TMW, VCCP, Ralph&co, Havas Helia, and J. Walter Thompson. But at some point he decided to leave London and come back to build a farm with his father and dedicate to permaculture. Now after COVID he has found a new way to collaborate with people going from his mud house.