Deep Space 8K

Burning Trees

Eric Thalhammer (AT), Julian Salhofer (AT)

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Burning Trees is an interactive art installation developed for Deep Space that models the relationship between humans and nature. The core element of the experience is the music, which reacts to how people move in the room. The visualization on the wall, in turn, responds to the waveform of the music. At the beginning of the experience, players find themselves far away from the forest projected on the wall of the room. Once they set foot on the laser-tracked floor area, music will start to play, which initially is very calm and organic. However, the more they push back nature, the crazier and more artificial the music and visualization become, to a point where it starts destroying the forest.


Julian Salhofer, Eric Thalhammer / Digital Arts & Interactive Media, Campus Hagenberg, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria