Our lives tracked – meaning, risks and remedies
Stefano Rossetti (IT)

The Internet is characterised by the large-scale collection of our personal data via hidden digital trackers such as cookies. The workshop will describe this system, its risks and how the law can be used to fight unfair use of technology.

Lucas Paris & Alexis Langevin-Tétrault present “square one”
Lucas Paris (CA/FR) & Alexis Langevin-Tétrault (CA)

Born from a desire to reunite, both musically and in person after a year of lockdowns, Lucas Paris and Alexis Langevin-Tétrault return to the core of their collaboration with « square one », a streamlined audiovisual performance.

Expansion of a Critical Mind 
Bryan J. Romero García  (CU)

The artist sets out his projects like Narcissus contemplating his reflection. Through the use of digital tools, the artist has created, analyzed, questioned, and rehearsed a universe that reveals his ethical and existentialist concerns.

Education Conference

The need to understand how to use digital technologies is emphasised consistently across the globe and educational systems have responded to this by investing in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). The Education Conference at this year’s festival explores how we can open learning beyond traditional educational institutions and integrate the arts through STEAM. In a series of sessions hosted by partners from the European Platform for Digital Humanism we will get a glimpse of how we can learn and teach differently through integrating art, technology and society.

Aisen Caro Chacin (US/ES/VE), Christopher Zahner (US)

As a response to the global shortage of ventilators we created Eurus, an emergency ventilator designed for resilience, adaptability, and patient safety, with on-hand hospital medical supplies and common electronic components. It was designed as a low-cost automation device for manual resuscitators, actuated by a blood-pressure cuff, which provides Automated and Assist/Control emergency ventilation to be easily assembled by hospitals in need.