The first section of this two-part garden showcases works by Polish artists responding to the festival’s main topic. Using different artistic approaches, they question such issues as digitalised corporeality, human/non-human relations, and the ecological consequences of digital storage. Karolina Żyniewicz in her performative workshop “Ethnography of flattened embodiment” invites us to explore the perception of a body in the digital world which becomes a 2D image, cropped and filtered in the artificial background. “Plant~Animals ~ Symbiosity of Creation” by Elvin Flamingo immerses us in the social movement of Symsagittifera roscoffensis, a unique, uncanny amalgamation of a plant and an animal, their interdependencies among them and us (humans). Justyna Górowska’s “The Blue Humanities Archive” examines the environmental cost of a network of databases exploring the subject of DNA Digital Storage. The artists touch on various aspects of contemporality, creating a multi-threaded, orchestrated narrative that reveals layers of our fragmented, numerical life.

The second project, dedicated to the decade-long LAZNIA CCA’s Art and Science program, presents a film followed by a discussion analysing changes in the relation between art and science. The audience audience is also invited to the discussion connected with the “Trees of Memory: Roots and Runners”project devoted to the tragedy of Babyn Yar. Speakers will look at contemporary practices of commemoration of tragic events and ways of working through the traumatic past by the means of art and technology.


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Garden Curators: Agnieszka Kulazińska, Aleksandra Księżopolska.
The presentation of Polish artists is part of the Studiotopia project supported by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union.
Trees of Memory: Roots and Runners
Exhibition Curators: Oksana Dovgopolova and Kateryna Semenyuk.
Supported by Past / Future / Art in partnership with the Ukrainian Institute.
Discussion about a decade of art and science programme in CCA LAZNIA
Curator: Ryszard W. Kluszczyński